Posted: November 8th, 2022
Innovation proposal
Innovation proposal
For this task, you will write a proposal in response to the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP)” from the Seamus Company. The company’s background information is included in the attached “Seamus Company Context.” The attached “RFP Questions from Vendors” will help to inform your proposal.
Your proposal should demonstrate your research and your technology solution to the problem and show the organization you can meet its needs. Consider what the organization wants (e.g., low cost, high quality, efficiency) and how your proposed technology solution will meet the organization’s needs. The body of your proposal should clearly and specifically outline the solution and how it will work.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Note: Every effort was made to ensure the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP)” is as authentic as possible. You are responsible only for the requirements in the task below.
Create a proposal for the Seamus Company by doing the following:
A. Create a title page that includes each of the following elements:
• project name that summarizes the nature of the solution
• name of the proposer (individual or company)
• signature block with a space for your signature and the date
B. Create a table of contents.
C. Create an abstract that includes each of the following:
• summary of the problem
• recommendation of the solution
• description of how the proposed solution benefits the customer
• objectives of the project
• funding requirements
• your expertise relevant to the solution you propose
Note: Expertise described here could be real or hypothetical to fit the scenario.
D. Create the body of your proposal by doing the following:
1. Explain your proposed solution as it relates to the requirements in the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP).”
2. Summarize three published works or case studies that inform the implementation of the proposed solution.
3. Describe how the goals, supporting objectives, and deliverables of the proposed project will be accomplished.
4. Provide a projected timeline with completion dates of the deliverables for your project.
5. Provide a list of resources and their associated costs needed to implement the proposal.
6. Explain how you will use an evaluation framework to measure the success and effectiveness of the project once it is completed.
E. Justify how the technology solution meets the business needs of the Seamus Company.
F. Create a letter of transmittal or cover letter that includes the following:
• an introduction
• a body that expands on the reasons for the proposal
• a conclusion
Note: Any supplemental material that would help the company or organization understand the details of the solution should be placed in an additional section titled “Appendix.”
G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
Innovation proposal
Seamus Company can implement deep learning methods to aid in the middle school and high school understanding of grammatical intricacies. Deep learning in English learning can tackle the challenges that the student face in translations and grammar during English learning. Grammatical errors often occur in the learning environment, thus applying deep learning.D eep learning can also offer a platform for translating and breaking complex words into simple and meaningful sentences. The deep learning methods can foster high order thinking that emphasizes the connection and understanding of concepts that will enable the students to solve practical grammatical problems.
Summary of the problem
Seamus Company has created a series of grammar books that have helped middle and high school students in their grammar learning experience. The company has created verb tenses books based on cartoon characters that entail grammar exercises for the students, thus allowing practical engagements. The company has also expanded to include the characters in magazines that have been sold in educational conferences. The SC Company also developed a series of books and educational DVDs. The company has also released gaming software for educational purposes that sold out in major markets. The characters created were significant in the consumer demographic hence influencing the sales. However, the new initiatives such as action figures, comic books, board games, and T-shirts have yet returned a profit. Basing on these results, the BoD has been asked to come up with an innovation opportunity that is cost-efficient and profitable. The innovation must also be able to leverage IT and improve productivity.
Recommendation of the solution
Adopting machine learning techniques basing on the charterers like Peter Past, Patricia Present, Caving Continuous and Petra perfect will enable a deeper understanding of the verb tenses. Machine learning techniques can be applied to create more interactive and immersive approaches. The machine learning systems can be used to correct grammatical errors, thus enabling the machine to evaluate data and provide accurate grammatical tenses. The interactive verb tenses approaches can be fed into the machine to create a pattern that can educate the students on the topics in English grammar and text mechanics. Deep grammar mechanics can also fix the student’s grammar to faster comprehension. The technologies will also sequence to sequence learning that can be used to solve many kinds of problems. The system can be used for grammar corrections, and the algorithms can also be used to describe images in their right tenses through writing on the AI chatbots.
Description of how the proposed solution benefits the customer
Deep learning innovation in English learning innovation will provide the students with ways for memorization through understanding. The system will engage the new and old learning knowledge hence providing the platform for the students to master nonstructured knowledge. The grammar correction feature in the deep learning system will focus on the core concepts of the identified problem hence focusing on the external cues that the student can apply to better their grammar. Deep learning application will foster autonomy learning that will enable the students to integrate the concepts and come up with practical solutions independently. Interaction with deep learning methods will facilitate faster and efficient learning because the machines will not require much human interaction to function.
Objectives of the project
The project will include the 126 volume character-based scenarios in the deep learning process that will offer instructor manuals to the students.
The Seamus Company programs, including the games and the learning websites, will be integrated into the machines to provide an all in one learning.
The machine will be designed to operate without any human intervention through recurrent neural networks and encoding hence enabling autonomous learning.
The machine will be built in an automated black box system that will be cost-efficient and enhance productivity.
Funding requirements
Building a deep learning machine is a complex process that requires coding of the involved information that is necessary for predictions. The machine will require systems like GPU, RAM, CPU, and PCI. PSU, motherboards, computer cases, hard drives, cooling systems, and monitors. The pricing of constructing a deep learning machine will depend on the hours required to complete the server to slippage setups. The interface and the ML development will also be included to calculate the hours of effort it will need to build the machine. Also, depending on the slippage phases, the process might take longer hence requiring more money to complete the project. The SC leaning machine will cost a maximum of $30,000 because which will enable the machine to be built in three phases. The process will require a maximum of four weeks to be complete because each stage will take one week to be finished.
The effectiveness of the deep learning machine will be tested through tensor objects to determine the operations on them. The assessment can also be done on the compilation graphs and differentiation tools for backpropagation.
Deep learning is the fundamental way that technology will meet Seamus Company. Deep learning will integrate the English, and comprehensive learning that will enable automatic predictions during grammatical errors and will enable character learning through coded images and cartoon styled animations. The process will be more fast and efficient as compared to literal products. The deep learning machines will align with the state standard and the learning website thus providing interactive learning platforms. The innovation is also cost-effective and a guaranteed profit venture.