Posted: September 5th, 2023
Informative Essay on Demonstrative Communication Paper
Non-Verbal communication is a way of communicating with others without speaking. This is like verbal communication. In non-verbal there are symbols for thought and feelings. This type of communication is done through body language, such as facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, touching, and your posture. Non-verbal communication is everywhere, this makes up for the bulk of messages we encounter and send on a day-to-day basis. If we pay attention and learn the signs to interpret non-verbal messages. This can help in understanding this silent language. It is said that non-verbal messages is sent in advance of verbal messages.
Before we can speak, your body posture, hairstyle, clothes, and facial expression can tells about who you are. It also tells the type of relationship you have with family, friends, and coworkers. Sometimes what comes out from the mouth and what is displayed in our body language are two different things. In cases like this, the receiver has to deal with these mixed signals. This is the time the receiver can decide to choose your verbal or non-verbal communication message. In most cases they will choose the non-verbal because normally demonstrate our true feelings.
This tells the sender how well you are listening to their conversation and how truthful you are when given back your opinion. Let us inspect the different types of non-verbal communication. Body language and Posture: The way you walk and carry yourself tells information about you. Facial expressions that shows emotions such as laughing, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, and happiness. Eye contact: The way you look at another person can convey many things, and because the eyes are windows to the soul, you can always tell when we see affection, attraction, and hostility.
You can also tell by looking into the eyes whether the person is truthful or not. Gestures: This is the use of our hands when speaking or arguing. People often use this and does not realize that gestures have different meaning across cultures and regions. Touch: we communicate with touching by giving hugs, hand shake, tap on the shoulder or controlling grip on your arms. Space can vary, depending on the situation culture and closeness of the relationship. Voice: When we speak it is not only what we say, but also how it was said plays a big part in the response we get from the receiver.
Your tone of voice can indicate sarcasm, anger or affection. Demonstrative communication can be effective or ineffective by the sender or receiver by the type of feedback we convey at time of our conversation can have a lasting effect on the conversation. For effective communication to occur, you must convey your message effectively and deliver a clear message to the sender. Your message must be precise and accurate, and the receiver must understand clearly the message. This means you must include your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Your tone of voice can also make communication effective or ineffective.
Speaking in a low tone can also convey your feelings and thoughts. Thus will also show your positive side, oppose to speaking in a loud commanding voice. On the receiver’s end listening needs to be active. Taking the time to listen and focus your attention on the sender and issue at hand. This will promote respect and build a good rapport. Because listening is learned habit, we need to take the time and be aware of the habits that get in the way of good listening. Do not interrupt, have patience, be honest, and keep control of your emotions.
Identify ideas and main points focus on key information. Thus likewise your body language will follow suite. You will respond appropriately because you will be giving feedback on how the message was seen, heard, understood, and this only comes after careful listening and understanding. Always keep an open mind and choose an evaluating response. Ask questions to gain more information and clarify meanings. It is also a good habit to repeat what the sender has said and reinstate in your own words the information that you receive. This will ensure the message communicated was received and understood.