Posted: September 1st, 2023
In submitting this work electronically I also confirm that this is my own original work
In submitting this work electronically I also confirm that this is my own original work (unless otherwise acknowledged). Assessment Event 1 of 3 Written task – short answer questions Instructions 1. You will need to complete the following questions for Assessment Event 1. 2. Commence a Professional Portfolio and ‘Turn in’ via the Google Classroom with this Assessment Event for feedback before finalising. 3. You will be provided with a Professional Portfolio template and instructions 4. Complete your answers in the table provided in this document, and when you are ready – submit to the assessor via the Google Classroom ‘Turn in’ function. 5. Your responses to the written answer questions must: ? Be presented in the written answer questions table and submitted via the Google classroom ? Provide detail addressing all parts of each question with examples, as appropriate ? Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood ? Provide references to the source of information, as relevant Questions Your answer 1 a) Name one model of reflective practise you use.b) Describe the processes for the reflective practise model chosen.c) Describe how you evaluate your own work and why it is necessary to do so. (300 words)d) Provide one example of a reflective journal for the model identified. 2 a) Identify three professional development opportunities you have undertaken as an enrolled nurse student.b) Describe the strengths of each professional development opportunity chosen. Examples of opportunities include (but not limited to): Industry networking opportunities, professional associations, training requirements and options, informal and formal ways of learning and developing. (150 words)c) What are the continuing professional development requirements for Enrolled Nurse registration? (approximately 50 words) 3 a) Explain the principles of successful goal setting in a Professional Development Plan. (approximately 100 words)b) Outline examples of goal setting you have implemented in your Professional Portfolio. Marking Criteria You must meet the criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event: Your responses to the written answer questions must: ? Be presented in the written question and answer table and submitted via the Google Classroom. ? Provide detail addressing all parts of each question with examples, as appropriate. ? Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood. ? Provide references to the source of information, as relevant. Assessment Event Feedback Sheet Feedback Sheet/s must be retained by TAFE NSW as evidence of the assessment decision. Student Name Unit Code CHCPRP003 Unit Name Reflect on and improve own professional practice Assessment Event AE1 of 3 – Written task All criteria must be achieved to be deemed successful for this event. Marking Criteria S / US Feedback (must be provided for student) Be presented in the written question and answer table and submitted via the Google Classroom. Provide detail addressing all parts of each question with examples, as appropriate. Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood. Provide references to the source of information, as relevant. Overall Feedback: Assessment Event Result Yes / No 1. Was reasonable adjustment in place for this student? If Yes, explain the arrangements and the Disability Consultant involved. 2. Has this assessment event been successfully completed? 3. Is the student required to re-submit? If Yes, explain arrangements. Assessor Details I confirm I have provided the above feedback to the student. Name: Signature: Date: