Posted: March 2nd, 2022
In a cover letter of 350-400 wor/ds, reflect on how you have developed as a reader and writer this semester.
In a cover letter of 350-400 wor/ds, reflect on how you have developed as a reader and writer this semester. Comment on your greatest successes and/or challenges. Reference specific readings, assignments, or concepts that furthered your thinking on a matter or helped you to improve your reading and writing. Consider at least one area in which you’d like to continue to strengthen your knowledge or skills: Set a goal for yourself moving forward, and describe how you intend to reach it.
Address the prompt.
Write a reflective cover letter of 350-400 words.
Adhere to MLA general format.
Do not plagiarize: Cite sources according to MLA style for in-text citations and Works Cited pages.
Include a title that describes what your cover letter is about.
Comment on your greatest successes and/or challenges.
Reference specific readings, assignments, or concepts that furthered your thinking on a matter or helped you to improve your reading and writing.
Set a goal for strengthening your knowledge or skills, and describe how you intend to reach it.
———————-***** IMPORTANT ******———————–
For referencing
– use “Rhetorical Analysis” as the assignment that helped me to improve my writing skills
– use “Formatting and Citation” as the concept that helped to understand how to use MLA format (as I was not able to do it before studying this concept)
– From Prompt, “reflect on how you have developed as a rea/der and wri/ter…” no need to be true.
– My goal is to increase the quality of my essa/ys and decrees the amount of time I spend on it