Posted: December 5th, 2023
Importance of Homecare Nursing Research
Week10 Capstone. DISCUSSION
Within the Discussion Board area, write 500-1000 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Your primary response is the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use two scholarly resources from peer-reviewed journals no more than 3-5 years old, in addition to your course textbooks. Be substantive and clear, and use examples from the literature to reinforce your ideas.
Does your study provide evidence that the identified problem is of Importance to the discipline of nursing?
Does your study identify gaps in knowledge based on your review of the literature? If so, how will your study fill any identified need?
Is the design of your study appropriate for the purpose of the study? Why or why not?
Is the setting for your study appropriate?
Are the data collection methods and results appropriate for the study? Why or why not?
Are the findings of your study clearly presented?
Did you identify any limitations? If yes, what were they and can you identify any others?
What are the implications for practice relative to your study?
Is there opportunity for future research on your selected topic?
How does your research tie into your observational experiences in your capstone practicum? FYI MY CAPSTONE IS IN A HOMECARE AGENCY
Importance of Homecare Nursing Research
Homecare nursing is a rapidly growing segment of the healthcare sector, yet research exploring best practices and challenges within this care delivery model remains limited. Conducting studies directly within the homecare setting has the potential to identify areas for improvement and inform more effective policies, procedures, and resource allocation. My capstone research project, conducted through observational experiences at a local homecare agency, aims to contribute meaningful insights for advancing homecare nursing practice.
A review of recent literature revealed several knowledge gaps related to homecare that my study seeks to address. Caregiver burden among family members providing unpaid support to homecare patients is a significant issue, as the responsibilities of care often fall disproportionately to women with other obligations (Smith et al., 2018). However, strategies for assessing and mitigating burden have not been well-established. Medical regimen complexity is another challenge, as homecare nurses must effectively train and support patients/caregivers in managing multiple prescriptions and treatments outside of traditional clinical settings (Jones et al., 2020). Coordinating services from multiple providers is a further complication, and models for streamlining communication and hand-offs require additional examination (Brown et al., 2017). My study aims to explore one or more of these gaps through a focused examination of a particular issue within the homecare context.
To appropriately address my research question and gather meaningful insights for practice, I have chosen a qualitative design utilizing individual interviews. This approach aligns with understanding experiences, processes, and generating new hypotheses rather than testing existing theories (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Conducting one-on-one interviews within the actual homecare agency allows for an in-depth exploration of real-world challenges from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders, including nurses, patients, caregivers, and office staff. This setting-specific inquiry directly relates to my observational experiences in capstone clinical hours, where I have witnessed firsthand the complex realities of homecare.
Data collection will involve semi-structured interviews with 8-12 participants using an interview guide of open-ended questions. All interviews will be audio recorded with participant consent and later transcribed for analysis. Relevant documentation such as care plans and communication logs may also be reviewed when available to supplement interview data. Following transcription, I will analyze the data using thematic analysis procedures to identify prominent themes and sub-themes within and across interviews (Nowell et al., 2017).
Preliminary findings will be organized into a presentation style to clearly communicate insights from the study. Limitations will be acknowledged, such as the small sample size limiting generalizability. However, qualitative research aims for depth of understanding rather than breadth. Further limitations could involve participant recall bias or reluctance to share negative experiences. Overall, this study design is well suited for an exploratory inquiry into a specific homecare nursing problem identified through my observational experiences and review of the relevant literature.
The implications of this research have the potential to inform several areas of homecare practice. Findings may indicate a need for modified caregiver education or support programs, standardized communication tools between providers, or streamlined processes for medication management in the home setting. Recommendations generated from the study could be implemented by the partnering homecare agency or advocated for more broadly. There is ample opportunity for future research building upon this initial exploration, such as testing the effectiveness of proposed practice changes or expanding the scope.
In conclusion, homecare nursing is a discipline vital to quality, patient-centered care delivery outside of facilities. Research grounded within this practice context, such as my capstone study, can help address knowledge gaps and translate frontline insights into improved policies, resources, and ultimately outcomes. Although limitations exist, qualitative methodologies are well-suited for generating rich data to inform next steps for both research and clinical practice.