Posted: July 7th, 2022
Impacts of Family Criminality and the Importance of Breaking Cycles
In a two or three pages paper identify and discuss the impact of family criminality including the following: why is breaking the cycle important? Discuss and provide at least two examples of barriers to employment that ex offenders face
Impacts of Family Criminality and the Importance of Breaking Cycles
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Impacts of Family Criminality and the Importance of Breaking Cycles
With the increase in the prison population in the United States, many concerns have been raised on the collateral effects of families, especially children and communities by the incarcerations. Criminality disrupts the positive nurturing between children and parents. Children face immense economic strains and instabilities when their parents are incarcerated. Therefore, the criminal justice system should intervene to ensure that the family connections between children and their parents foster societal benefits for the child’s development (Copp, 2020). This paper seeks to discuss the impacts of family criminality, the importance of breaking cycles and highlight employment barriers for ex-offenders.
More than half of the incarcerated persons have children in America, who consequently pay hidden costs attributed to harsh sentencing policies. Family criminality impacts children in different forms; for instance, the emotional afflictions and fiscal deficits resulting from parental incarcerations; result in social, psychological, physical, and mental outcomes in children. This, in turn, could lead to antisocial behaviors and delinquent outcomes, substance abuse as they struggle to overcome the post-traumatic stressors. Therefore, it is crucial to break this criminality cycle to reduce recidivism and promote a healthy and safe society (Singh, 2019). This is possible through, firstly, prevention, by creating awareness among young people on the impacts of criminality and the importance of refraining from criminal behaviors and notably creating opportunities to hone their skills and make honest livings. Secondly, through offender management, this provides restorative justice and rehabilitative approaches to persons in prisons to prepare reentry into the community. Additionally, encouraging resettlement approaches whereby those who had been incarcerated had helped to cope with life after the sentence through education, shelter provision, and employment opportunities (Farmer, 2017).
Furthermore, in America, approximately over 600,000 inmates are released from prison annually. However, many of them face serious challenges during their reentry. The main challenge is securing jobs as employment is an essential aspect to ex-offenders as a turning point in their lives. However, most of them fail to secure jobs and end up being rearrested for the following reasons. Firstly, most of them have limited education and cognitive skills and subsequent job experience as they have spent oms of their time behind bars (Sveinsdottir, 2017). Most inmates are sometimes incarcerated with limited education, and some are school dropouts and may not have had a chance to enroll in prison-based educational programs. Therefore, their reentry, they are less likely to secure jobs due to their lack of knowledge, skill, and experience. Secondly, their criminal records. Most employers fail to employ ex-offenders due to their criminal records. In most cases, some professions are legally closed to persons with criminal records. Most employers place a high degree of trust in their employers. Most restrictive jobs include those in direct contact with children, especially sex offenders, health care opportunities, and even security placements for persons with previous records for theft and burglary.
Arguably, the criminal justice system must adopt long-term approaches to reduce recidivism rates by focusing on breaking cycles of criminality and giving offenders a chance of reaching the delf termination degree and redemption as they transition from incarceration to society reentry (Farmer, 2017). Notably, as a while, society should avoid stigmatization of former inmates by making their reentry process smoother. Additionally, for employers’ case, they should have consideration for the possibility of rehabilitation of these ex-convicts despite their criminal record given them job opportunities that will allow them to make a living without resorting to crime.
Copp, J. E., Giordano, P. C., Longmore, M. A., & Manning, W. D. (2020). Desistance from crime during the transition to adulthood: The influence of parents, peers, and shifts in identity. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 57(3), 294-332.
Farmer, M. (2017). The importance of strengthening prisoners’ family ties to prevent reoffending and reduce intergenerational crime. Ministry of Justice.
Sveinsdottir, V., & Bond, G. R. (2017). Barriers to employment for people with severe mental illness and criminal justice involvement. Journal of Mental Health, 1-9.
Singh, S., Cale, J., & Armstrong, K. (2019). Breaking the cycle: understanding the needs of women involved in the criminal justice system and the role of mentoring in promoting desistance. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 63(8), 1330-1353.