Posted: July 20th, 2022
Illustrate one Technique to design a class activity
Illustrate one Technique to design a class activity
In real-life classrooms, teachers design their class activities to enhance students’ learning, regardless of different teaching methods. Among all the teaching methods we’ve covered:Chapter 2: The Grammar-Translation MethodChapter 3: The Direct methodChapter 4: The Audio-Lingual MethodChapter 5: The Silent WayChapter 6: DesuggestopediaChapter 7: Community Language LearningChapter 8: Total Physical ResponseChapter 9: Communicative Language LearningChapter 10: Content-based learningChapter 11: Task-based Language LearningIllustrate one technique to design a class activity accordingly. The teaching material is as follows.More than Walking Is Necessary to Maintain Health as We Ageby Jason Grenier, special correspondentMany people will mention a “10,000-step” rule when asked how much daily exercise they think the average person needs to do to stay healthy. Indeed, some health-conscious individuals even wear fitness trackers to monitor their bodies, including counting how
Mid-term Report for English Teaching Materials and Methods
Academic Year: 111 F/W Semester
Name: __________ Student No.: ____________
1. Answer the following questions in English.
2. Hand in your report in hard copy by November 30th.
Part I: 50%
In real-life classrooms, teachers design their class activities to enhance students’ learning, regardless of different teaching methods. Among all the teaching methods we’ve covered, illustrate one technique to design a class activity accordingly. The teaching material is as follows.
More than Walking Is Necessary to Maintain Health as We Age
by Jason Grenier, special correspondent
Many people will mention a “10,000-step” rule when asked how much daily exercise they think the average person needs to do to stay healthy. Indeed, some health-conscious individuals even wear fitness trackers to monitor their bodies, including counting how much physical activity they’ve done and how many calories they’ve burned each day.
A report by Public Health England has cast doubt on the idea that “10,000-step” is enough to maintain physical fitness, however. It describes how most people the study looked at were neglecting to strengthen their muscles and bones as they aged. Furthermore, most weren’t doing any exercise aimed at maintaining their sense of physical balance. However, all three of these indicators of healthiness start to decline by the time a person reaches his or her forties. Only exercise can slow the effects of the passing years on a person’s muscle tone, bone mass, and balance.
The report contains data showing people who rely on walking alone to meet their exercise needs, skipping other forms, are putting themselves at heightened risk of falling when they get older. Falls can be fatal to elderly people, especially those whose bodies have grown weak and fragile.
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