Posted: December 11th, 2022
IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity
IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity
Excellent work! Now that you have successfully conducted a mini ethnographic analysis of the population, you will focus on other related health challenges. Even though the health challenge for your chosen humanitarian aid trip will be the focus of your interventions, there are other real and potential health challenges the population or the team will encounter. If you want to be successful in this trip, you need to know about these other health challenges and how they interact with the health challenge of the chosen population.
By investigating the scholarly literature, you will answer the questions: What is known about the other health challenges among the population within the area of focus for the humanitarian aid trip? What should the team prepare to encounter?
Building on the prior project preparation assignments, examine the details related to the other health challenges faced by the population, as well as those your team may meet, during the humanitarian aid trip. Then complete the provided worksheet to further your analysis of the nature of the other health challenges. Search the scholarly literature to outline your responses for at least three different health challenges for your chosen location. Your responses should be concise.
Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.
You must identify three other health challenges and address all the following specified criteria for each of these other health challenges:
1. Other Health Challenge #1: Assess the implications and interactions of this health challenge with your selected health challenge for your aid trip.
• Analysis: Analyze the other health challenge in the Analysis Table provided. Be sure to address the following aspects:
▪ Incidence: Identify the incidence related to the health challenge.
▪ Prevalence: Describe the prevalence of the health challenge.
▪ Presentation: Explain the clinical symptoms or noted characteristics of the health challenge.
▪ Influence of social determinants: Describe the influence of the social determinants related to the health challenge.
▪ Inequities: Identify any inequities related to the location of the humanitarian aid trip.
▪ Related programs, policies, or legislation: Identify any programs, policies, or legislation related to the health challenge.
▪ Other characteristics or facts: Describe other characteristics or facts related to this health challenge.
• Connections: Draw connections to your chosen health challenge for your humanitarian aid trip in the Connections section. How does this challenge impact the population and the health challenge of focus? Explain what the team should expect in relation to this challenge. In other words, what should the team be ready to address regarding this challenge?
2. Other Health Challenge #2: Assess the implications and interactions of this health challenge with your selected health challenge for your aid trip.
• Analysis: Analyze the other health challenge in the Analysis Table provided. Be sure to address the following aspects:
▪ Incidence: Identify the incidence related to the health challenge.
▪ Prevalence: Describe the prevalence of the health challenge.
▪ Presentation: Explain the clinical symptoms or noted characteristics of the health challenge.
▪ Influence of social determinants: Describe the influence of the social determinants related to the health challenge.
▪ Inequities: Identify any inequities related to the location of the humanitarian aid trip.
▪ Related programs, policies, or legislation: Identify any programs, policies, or legislation related to the health challenge.
▪ Other characteristics or facts: Describe other characteristics or facts related to this health challenge.
• Connections: Draw connections to your chosen health challenge for your humanitarian aid trip in the Connections section. How does this challenge impact the population and the health challenge of focus? Explain what the team should expect in relation to this challenge. In other words, what should the team be ready to address regarding this challenge?
3. Other Health Challenge #3: Assess the implications and interactions of this health challenge with your selected health challenge for your aid trip.
• Analysis: Analyze the other health challenge in the Analysis Table provided. Be sure to address the following aspects:
▪ Incidence: Identify the incidence related to the health challenge.
▪ Prevalence: Describe the prevalence of the health challenge.
▪ Presentation: Explain the clinical symptoms or noted characteristics of the health challenge.
▪ Influence of social determinants: Describe the influence of the social determinants related to the health challenge.
▪ Inequities: Identify any inequities related to the location of the humanitarian aid trip.
▪ Related programs, policies, or legislation: Identify any programs, policies, or legislation related to the health challenge.
▪ Other characteristics or facts: Describe other characteristics or facts related to this health challenge.
• Connections: Draw connections to your chosen health challenge for your humanitarian aid trip in the Connections section. How does this challenge impact the population and the health challenge of focus? Explain what the team should expect in relation to this challenge. In other words, what should the team be ready to address regarding this challenge?
IHP 501 Module Five Project Preparation Worksheet
Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Analysis Table
Other Health Challenge #1: [Insert text.] Other Health Challenge #2: [Insert text.] Other Health Challenge #3: [Insert text.]
Incidence [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Prevalence [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Presentation [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Social Determinants [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Inequities [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Programs, Policies, or Legislation [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Other [Insert text.] [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Connections Section
Other Health Challenge #1: [Insert text.]
[Insert text.]
Other Health Challenge #2: [Insert text.]
[Insert text.]
Other Health Challenge #3: [Insert text.]
[Insert text.]
[Cite sources according to APA style.]
IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity
Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. The purpose of this worksheet is to structure your submission to cover each of the relevant topics where the substance of your response is the focus instead of academic formatting. Feel free to outline or use bullets in your responses as needed.
Worksheet for IHP 501 Module Three Project Preparation
University of Southern New Hampshire
22TW2 IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity
Replace the relevant information in the bracketed text on this worksheet. You can expand the outline if necessary to itemize your responses beneath the indicated topics.
1. Health Problem Analysis
A. Clinical Presentation: [It is thought that the virus is caused by eating non-primate meats (e.g. chimpanzees and monkeys). It is spread through bodily fluids such as saliva, urine, and breast milk. Vomiting, fever, aches, loss of appetite, fatigue, and sore throat are among the symptoms.]
B. Prevalence
i. Threatened Populations: [Women and girls are the most vulnerable groups. Furthermore, the majority of reported cases were from rural areas.]
ii. Morbidity and Mortality: [Case fatality rates range from 25% to 90%.] (Rugarabamu et al., 2020). On average, half of those infected with the disease will most likely die.]
iii. Prevalent Trends: [. The majority of cases are from Africa, and the most vulnerable groups are those who consume bush meat. A time-series analysis of the virus from 1976 to 2019 reveals a linear rate of change (Rugarabamu et al., 2020).
C. Inequities
i. Socioeconomic Classes: [First, poverty and unemployment contribute to the disease by forcing people to hunt for bush meat.]
ii. Race/Ethnicity: [So far, the majority of affected countries are from Africa, but it is unclear whether certain races are more vulnerable than others.]
iii. Gender: [Another factor is gender, with women being at a higher risk because they provide the majority of care for Ebola patients (New Ebola outbreak hits women and girls hardest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018).]
iv. Other: [In terms of age, children are the most vulnerable to the virus. Also, people in rural areas are at risk of contracting the disease, and it can be argued that high illiteracy rates contribute to Ebola risks.]
2. Other Health Determinants
A. Environmental: [The Ebola virus is spread through the air] (water, soil). As a result, exposure to contaminated air can cause the virus to activate.]
B. Biological: [The biological means by which the Ebola virus spreads is when humans interact directly with wildlife.]
3. Policy Analysis: [One of the policies implemented by the Sierra Leone government is making it illegal to hide Ebola patients. This law was enacted to avoid a situation in which residents hid Ebola patients, thereby contributing to the spread of the Ebola virus. This policy is effective because it encourages people to transport infected people to treatment facilities.]
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the new ebola outbreak has disproportionately affected women and girls. Population Fund of the United Nations (2018). Retrieved on November 22, 2022, from The%20most%20vulnerable,them%20are%20of%20reproductive%20age
S. Rugarabamu, L. Mboera, M. Rweyemamu, G. Mwanyika, J. Lutwama, J. Paweska, and G. Misinzo (2020). A review of 42 years of responding to Ebola virus outbreaks in Sub-Saharan Africa. 5th BMJ Global Health (3).