Posted: March 2nd, 2022
IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work
IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work
IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work
A. Create a computer-generated mind map that identifies a main idea that contributes to or impedes joy in work and includes the following factors:
• three individual factors
• three team or department factors
• three organizational factors
Note: This assessment requires you to submit an original computer-generated diagram. You may use the software program of your choice. Save and submit your mind map as a PDF or Word document (i.e., DOC or DOCX). Using another file type may cause the file to be too large to submit.
Note: A “main idea” could be a concept, a strategy, or an idea.
B. Using the attached “Force Field Analysis Template,” complete a force field analysis that includes the following components:
• one recommendation of a social communication strategy or technology strategy for implementing the “Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Framework for Improving Joy in Work” (see Supporting Documents) in the workplace
• five facilitating forces for implementing the recommendation
• five restraining forces against implementing the recommendation
• one score for each of the ten identified forces
• one “Facilitating Forces Total Score”
• one “Restraining Forces Total Score”
• one “Force Field Analysis Total Score”
Note: This assessment requires you to complete the force field analysis using the “Force Field Analysis Template” in the Supporting Documents section. Save and submit your force field analysis as a PDF or Word document (i.e., DOC or DOCX). Using another file type may cause the file to be too large to submit.
C. Write a reflection paper (suggested length of 4-6 pages) discussing how to use social and emotional intelligence power skills to handle difficult workplace situations and implement joy in the workplace by doing the following:
1. Describe, using scholarly sources, how advanced professional nurses can manage difficult workplace situations by using each of the following social and emotional intelligence power skills:
• self-awareness
• self-management
• interpersonal communication
• executive function
• social awareness
2. Describe how you, as an advanced professional nurse, would use two of the social and emotional intelligence power skills in the workplace to achieve each of the following results:
• a professional presence
• enhanced mindfulness in healthcare
• a positive social presence to promote a sense of caring and belonging
• a culture of joy to solve the problem of incivility in the workplace and initiate organizational change
3. Discuss how you, as an advanced professional nurse leader, would implement the four steps from the “IHI Framework for Improving Joy in Work” (see Supporting Documents) in the workplace, including one strategy for each of the four steps.
4. Include three or more scholarly sources in your reflection paper.