Posted: November 19th, 2022
Identify at least three guidelines for effective verbal
Identify at least three guidelines for effective verbal communication.
To communicate effectively you must speak loud enough and clear. When thinking about speaking loudly is when you really want to think about your audience and the volume your voice needs to be to speak effectively. Having confidence while your speaking is key and to do that you must understand what you’re talking about.
Identify at least three guidelines for effective nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is important because if you’re smiling like you just won a car during the eulogy then you have failed in effective nonverbal communication. Your facial expressions and posture are the most important guidelines in my opinion. Making proper eye contact and hand gestures are important tools to keep the audience engaged.
Discuss two areas you need to consider about the verbal delivery of your presentation.
Speaking clear without rambling is something I will have to keep in mind. Having the confidence to follow the outline I have made and the most important thing for me to consider is fighting. If I am nervous then I tend to do that and I think my grade during week four will also cause extra nervousness. Speaking clearly without rambling is something I’ll have to remember. Having the confidence to stick to the plan I’ve laid out, and the most important thing for me to consider is fighting. I tend to do this when I’m nervous, and I believe my grade in week four will add to my anxiety.
Give two examples of moments in your presentation when you might use nonverbals to increase the impact of your verbal message.
One example is to smile and show I like the material and find it interesting. The second is to keep my posture professional and sit up straight.