Posted: July 20th, 2022
Identify and research a healthcare facility
For this assignment you will identify and research a healthcare facility you are familiar with, interview an IT representative about an IT healthcare initiative at the facility, write a paper about the interview, and create a Gantt chart for the initiative based on the information provided in the interview. Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment. Interview an IT representative at the facility about an IT healthcare initiative, write a paper about the interview, and create a Gantt chart for the initiative based on the information provided in the interview. To finish the assignment, follow the steps outlined below.Refer to the Gantt Chart Scoring Guide [DOCX] Gantt Chart Scoring Guide [DOCX] – Alternative Formats for guidance. Refer to the Course Schedule for the due date.
Review the following for more information about the role of mission, vision, and goals in information system planning:
Strategic Planning for Information Management: What Are the Deliverables? [PDF]
Review the following for more information about creating Gantt charts:
A Synergistic Approach to Project Management in Information Systems Development Module Reading [PDF]. A Synergistic Approach to Project Management in Information Systems Development Module Reading [PDF]. – Alternative Formats
Identify a healthcare facility in which you are familiar. Research and locate the organization’s information systems, vision, missions, and goals.
Interview an IT representative from the healthcare facility about an IT healthcare initiative that is underway or being planned.
Create a Gantt chart based on that interview.
Write a paper according to the following guidelines:
Describe your organization’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
Describe the initiative you discussed with the IT representative.
Explain how you see the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the organization being used to implement the initiative.
Your paper should be 1 to 2 pages long.
Save your paper as lastname-firstname-ganttpaper.
Develop a timeline (a Gantt chart) in Excel for the IT initiative that is underway or being planned.
Save the Excel file as lastname-firstname-ganttchart.
Select the title above to submit both files as your assignment.
Points Possible
Gantt chart created in Excel (or another spreadsheet
phases included