Posted: November 1st, 2022
Identify a professional practice issue of local
To get started on your Change Proposal, you will develop a rough draft of Section I, which is the introduction of your problem statement and change proposal. Your problem statement is a descriiption of an issue that you feel needs to be addressed.
Identify a professional practice issue of local, state, or national importance for which you can act as a change agent. Subject to instructor approval, you may use the same topic and/or portions of your literature review from NUR 440. Contact your instructor for approval before submitting your rough draft.
The proposal will need to incorporate multiple aspects of health practice, including strategies to improve quality of care or health outcomes.
Discuss the background and significance of the problem to nursing. Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples from research. The proposal will need to include many different parts of health care, such as ways to improve the quality of care or the health outcomes.
Talk about the problem’s history and what it means for nursing. Make sure to back up your claims with evidence from your research.
This assignment will be graded as complete/incomplete. Your rough draft should be formatted according to the most recent APA guidelines for instructor review and feedback. For additional details, please refer to the Capstone Project Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.