Posted: November 19th, 2022
Identify a problem at your place of employment
Identify a problem at your place of employment that you want to solve. Pretend that money is not an issue. The problem should be something that if corrected could increase nursing productivity or improve patient outcomes and/or satisfaction. Think about how your informatics process is currently mapped out, and how you would like to change your identified project using workflow maps.
The problem is 15 minutes safety check is not completed correctly using paper. Instead, we must use the electronic version.
The first workflow map (1-2 Pages, typed) will describe the current workflow and describe the problem. The issue is that the 15-minute safety check is not completed correctly on paper. We must instead rely on the electronic version.
The first workflow map (1-2 typed pages) will describe the current workflow and the problem.
The second workflow map (2-3 Pages, typed) will describe how you would like to change the process, the benefits of doing so financially, satisfaction with care and workplace satisfaction, etc.
Close your paper with a desсrіption of how using a Workflow map might assist in the design of hospitals and patient care technologies.
The Workflow diagrams are not counted in the typed page count.
You will need to create a workflow map of the current process that is a pictorial illustration and 1-2 typed pages of desсrіption of the process and the problem that you perceive with this process. Additionally, you will create a workflow map of your new process that is a pictorial illustration and 2-3 typed pages describing the process, how you will implement, etc.