Posted: March 2nd, 2022
ID Terms
1. tobacco
2. slave laws right the first is implemented in the 16 16th by the Virginia Assembly and then that is quickly emulated in Maryland and the slave laws are different right there. slavery evolves how the slave trade worked and how we get to a point in you know colonial history where there are strict segregated slave laws. violence, disease and slavery allowed English settlers to build permanent communities in the new world.
3. Fort mystic the chattel race based slavery that would define the pre civil war self was crafted and perfected in the colonial 17th century.
4. elopement notices
5. stamp act. o here is your argument, a great awakening sparked by fear of the Enlightenment and changing power structures, lead to more questioning of authority, rather than the opposite.
SECTION I: Identifications (IDs), 20 points each
Please give the definition of each term below from lecture, as well as a date or time period. Then, explain the argument of the lecture that term came from and how it is related to the term. Your answer should be 3-4 sentences in length for each term. You must write an identification for all five terms. The textbook may be used to double-check dates and names, but should not be used to answer IDs. I do not want the Wikipedia definition of a term or argument, but the definition we discussed in class. Simply copying and pasting the lecture argument that the identification term came from is not sufficient; you must explain how the identification term itself fits/relates to the argument.
Slave Laws
Fort Mystic
Elopement Notices
Stamp Act
Example of an “A” ID:
Chaco Canyon, near present day New Mexico, was a massive Pueblo metropolis until its demise due to drought and deforestation in 1130. At its peak over 15,000 people lived in the city, which was built up around caves with building as high as five stories and as wide as two acres. Kivas, a dugout room for religious ceremonies, were also common in many of the homes and buildings. The existence of pre-European metropolises like Chaco Canyon prove that native peoples were not “discovered” in North America, but existed and created complex civilizations long before colonialism.
(The identification term and the lecture argument from which it came from are both underlined here.)
SECTION II: Essay Question, 100 points total
Please answer ONE of the following essay questions, drawing on relevant course lectures and readings. Be sure to answer the question and establish an argument. Do not use long or frequent quotations from course materials; use your own words whenever possible. For any information you use in your answer, indicate the source from which you’ve drawn that information from, either through naming the reading or source title or providing a footnote (let me know somehow where you got this information or argument from). Your answer should run two pages double-spaced minimum, and you should begin your answer with the number of the question you’ve chosen to answer. Please note that for the essay portion, your grade will depend not only on how well you answer the question but also on how wide a variety of readings and lecture materials you use in writing your answer. A decent essay includes at least three references to class readings.
From the 1600s to the American Revolution, how did colonial ideas of government evolve? How did understandings of race, gender, religion, and class challenge these ideas? Be sure to defend your answer with evidence from class readings and lectures.
2. During the 1700s as colonists inched towards independence, which motivated colonists more: ideas of self-determination (enlightenment, republicanism, expanding government) or economic self-interest (taxes, protecting slavery, more opportunities and land for the working class)? Be sure to defend your answer with evidence from class readings and lectures.