Posted: March 2nd, 2022
HUSV 301 – Final Assignment – HUSV and FSHV Majors
HUSV 301 – Final Assignment – HUSV and FSHV Majors
In lieu of a final exam, you will complete a 3-part assignment that:
1. Demonstrates critical thinking in relation to writing a course evaluation.
2. Demonstrates the ability to advocate on behalf of marginalized populations.
3. Explores potential internship opportunities.
Part I: One-page reflection
Part II: a. Cover letter
b. Resume
c. Internship process report
Part III: 500-800 word advocacy document
Part I: Course Reflection
Reflect on your overall learning in this course. Which assignments did you learn the most from –
why? How do you think this learning (or the process of learning) will aid you in your future
programand/or career goals? This reflection should be ~1 page long
Part II: Exploring the Internship Process & Potential Internship Placements
Human services majors are required to complete a 3-credit hour Advanced Internship:
a. Describe the process and the steps you need to take before you can enroll in your internship, and
b. Begin to consider internships that would interest you and start networking to find a placement.
▪ Review the Human Services Handbook (linked separately)
▪ Review the process of preparing for your internship
▪ If you need some inspiration to start thinking about your internship, you can draw from your
professional interviews, career exploration site, volunteerism, and those of your classmates.
▪ Refer back to Assignment 6, review your vision and mission statements. Brainstorm the types
of internship opportunities that would assist you in achieving these goals.
Answer the following:
1. Write a paragraph summarizing the internship process (not a cut and paste from the
handbook); this can be bullet points and written in 1st person to demonstrate what you will do.
Include the following:
a. What is the timeline for (a) exploring internship opportunities, (b) getting the internship
approved, and (3) getting paperwork submitted?
b. How soon should I start working on getting my fingerprint card and other clearance?
c. How many hours do I need to complete to fulfill 3 credit hours for the internship?
d. What is the process for getting my internship field supervisor and placement site approved?
2. What are your career goals – where do you see yourself in 5 years? What will you be doing (e.g.
research, social service work, counseling, administration, evaluation, program management,
advocacy, health education, etc.)?
3. List a minimum of three organizations, that are potential volunteer and/or internship sites for you.
4. Select one of these organizations, check their website, their mission, and philosophy. Consider how your
strengths and interests fit with the mission of the organization. Then, prepare a letter introducing yourself to
this organization, summarizing your goals, and enquiring about the availability of volunteer and internship
opportunities with this organization. Please note: I don’t want you to send the letter to the organization –
in this day and age of emails and texts, this is giving you practice at writing a formal, professional letter, and
the opportunity for me to give you feedback. How you approach an organization in writing is extremely
important in how receptive they are to talking with you further about internship opportunities.
Resource: Internship Cover Letter Sample and Writing Tips
5. Submit a 1-page resume that you would be prepared to submit with your letter of introduction.
Part III: Final Assignment – is not due until the Sunday evening before the last week in the semester.
This assignment is intended to inspire you into civic responsibility. The course content has been difficult at times and
advocacy is the resilient response. “We the people” are the government, not “them”…
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ~ Aristotle
Develop a 500-800 word draft, advocating for policy or reform related to an area of social justice you are passionate
about. Topic examples can include, but are not limited to the following list of ideas:
• Mass incarceration: people of color and/or people with mental illness
• Community prevention programs for youth
• Equal access for physical and mental healthcare
• Climate initiatives (e.g., water conservation, public transportation, solar for government offices)
• Resources for people struggling with addiction
• Housing for marginalized homeless populations
• Access to technology for indigenous populations
• Development of mental health first responder services (contributing to police reform)
The Draft is not intended to be sent, simply developed, and can be in any of the following formats:
• Letter/email to state representative
• OpEd
• Social media post that engages public support
• White paper
The preamble of the Constitutions of the United States of America, ratified June 21, 1788:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”