Posted: May 15th, 2022
Human Sexuality and Psychology
Human Sexuality and Psychology
One myth I’ve heard about STDs and STIs is that people need to take a shower after being sexual to avoid getting an STD. I’ve also heard that if you don’t have any signs of STIs, you don’t have them. I think people believe these myths, as well as the ones in Table 8.1 in Chapter 8, because they don’t know much about this subject and think it won’t happen to them. Also, many people don’t think about the risks when they have a sexual encounter with someone they just met, especially when they’ve had a few drinks. People who have sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can get into a lot of trouble, so I think it’s important to know your partner’s sexual history or, even better, to go to the doctor together and get checked out for any signs of infections before you do anything sexual.