Posted: February 24th, 2022
Human Resources Management
The challenges leaders in Human Resources Management face both domestically and globally. Now lets shift our attention to the organizations that are creating an impact by adding value to their employees and strengthening their work culture.
For this assignment you will be required to choose a Fortune 500 company and discuss how their Human Resources department contributes to their success. Keep in mind that success can mean many things such as high levels of employee job satisfaction, employee engagement, productivity and retention.
NIKE, APPLE, WALMART, FACEBOOK and GOOGLE are EXCLUDED from the companies you can choose from.
Requirements for full credit:
2 page report
MLA Format
Minimum 2 Citations – use reliable resources (NO WIKIPEDIA)
Include a cover page – (Your Name, Course, Date, Name of the Company) -Cover pg does not count towards 2 pages.
Questions that you should be able to answer:
1. How are HR leaders positively impacting the company’s work culture?
2. What strategies are HR Managers implementing to gain or maintain a competitive advantage?