Posted: September 1st, 2023
HSY315: HISTORY OF WAR Assessment Item 1: Essay 1,000 words
Assessment Item 1: Essay
Length: 1,000 words (+/- 10%; excluding notes and bibliography)
Due date: 5pm, Friday, week 5
1. ‘War and atrocity are inseparable.’ Discuss using historical example(s)
or a case study.
2. ‘War is gendered, and women are its victims.’ Discuss using historical
example(s) or a case study.
3. Should historical wars be remembered?
It will be expected that each essay will present a discussion and argument in
response to ONE of the above questions, and incorporate references to at least
4 scholarly sources. A scholarly source is a peer reviewed article, chapter or
book published by a reputable scholarly publisher (eg. an academic journal, or
publishing house such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave, Routledge,
etc.). You may also include any number of other sources in addition to your
scholarly sources (eg. media reports, etc.).
The essay has a specific format. It will consist of:
(1) an introduction stating your aims and objectives in the essay, and
briefly framing your argument.
(2) A logical and coherent series of body paragraphs in which you
develop your argument.
(3) A conclusion that does not merely summarise the essay, but reflects
on the the implications of your argument, and/or the historical
significance of the topic.
You may use subheadings in your essay, but no dot points please! Graphs,
tables, and illustrations may also be used (as long as they are appropriately
All sources must be appropriately cited with a bibliography listing all sources
cited in the essay. You may use either footnotes or in-text citations.
1. Comprehension of the subject matter.
2. Quality of argument and discussion.
3. Use of evidence or scholarly research.
4. Clear structure.
5. Quality of writing and presentation (including a clear and consistent method
of citation and bibliography).