Posted: September 5th, 2023
HRM560 Training and Development Environment AA Assessment
HRM560 Training and Development Environment
AA Assessment 2017
Due Date: Friday 1st September 2017
Future of Training and Development Report
Word length: 2000 words (not including Executive Summary, Table of contents, and References)
Learning Objective.
be able to contextualise evolving directions of training and development within Australian organisational contexts, including emerging best practices.
You are required to prepare a report that looks at current and emerging trends in training and development.
You should use Chapter 12 of your text, current academic sources, current practice based sources and the media.
You should refer to at least 4 sources from each area and they should be no older than 2 years.
Practice based sources are from credible web sites and companies. Eg KPMG, AIHRM . HBR
You need to identify at least three trends that are emerging in the training and development space in Australia and provide a literature review.
Critically evaluate the strategic impact of these trends on training departments and staff.
Provide recommendations that your Training and Development department may be able to implement to capitalise on these trends and/or to manage the change process.
Your report needs to have a title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction and conclusions.
Assessment AA: Future of Training and Development Report
Comprehension and analysis:
Report clearly analyses at least three trends that are emerging in the training and development space in Australia
Provides wellreasoned and integrated literature review using multiple current sources
50 marks
Draws from the text, academic, practice based and media sources to integrate and deliver a clear, detailed application of critical thought and succinct analysis. The analysis is accurate and provides logical and well-presented arguments.
Clear , detailed and logical choice of sources that are no older than two years. Compressive range of literature ( 14 sources ) from all recommended sources.
Draws from the text, academic, practice based and media sources to deliver clear, detailed application of critical thought or succinct analysis. The analysis provides mostly logical and mostly well-presented arguments.
The choice of sources that are no older than two years.
Excellent range of literature ( 12 sources ) from all recommended sources.
Draws from the text, academic, practice based and media sources to deliver an analysis that shows some evidence of critical thought. Analysis demonstrates knowledge and provides some argument.
The choice of sources that are no older than two years. Excellent range of literature ( 12 sources ) from all recommended sources but some sources may be older or not be as credible as required.
Refers to the text, and some other sources but with some errors or inconsistencies.
Discussion shows some evidence of critical thought and analysis, but tends to be descriptive.
The choice of sources that are no older than two years.
Excellent range of literature ( 10 sources ) from all recommended sources but some sources may be older or not be as credible as required.
Refers to the text and some other sources but there are major errors or no attempt has been made to link discussion to the required context.
Arguments used are mainly descriptive and/or weak arguments.
Insufficient use of current literature form a wide range of sources.
Project Plan:
Critically evaluate the strategic impact of these trends on training departments and
Highly comprehensive and clearly presented strategic impact that provides a well-reasoned critical review
A comprehensive and clearly presented strategic impact that provides a wellreasoned critical review
Clear and detailed strategic impact review that has some minor gaps in logic and some lack of critique.
Clear strategic impact review that lacks some detail, logic and critique.
Weak, poorly developed strategic impact and a lack of critical argument.
40 marks
Conforms to academic writing conventions in a report format (requirements as specified in the
subject outline)
10 marks
The content has been logically and succinctly structure to create a cohesive and coherent analysis. Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning. There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions.
APA 6 referencing and citation is correct
The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work.
Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning. There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions. APA 6 referencing and citation is correct
The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent piece of work. Formal academic language has been used to clearly communicate meaning.
There is mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventions. Although some minor errors remain. APA 6 referencing and
citation is mostly correct
The content has been partially structured to create a predominately descriptive piece of work that lacks somewhat in coherency. An attempt to use mostly formal academic language has been used to communicate meaning. Grammatical conventions have been adhered to in some areas although there are minor errors. APA 6 referencing and citation has some minor errors.
The content has been partially structured to create a predominately descriptive piece of work. Formal and informal language has been used to communicate meaning and,
in many areas, the meaning is unclear. The work includes multiple grammatical errors. APA 6 referencing and citation is mostly incorrect or not present.
Total: /100 Weighted Total: /20