Posted: May 1st, 2022
HPI: The patient is a 65 year old AA male who developed sudden
Neurological Symptoms Assignment 4
Neurological Symptoms Assignment 4
HPI: The patient is a 65 year old AA male who developed sudden
onset of chest pain, which began early this morning. The pain is
described as “crushing” and is rated nine out of 10 in terms of
intensity. The pain is located in the middle of the chest and is
accompanied by shortness of breath. The patient reports feeling
nauseous. The patient tried an antacid with minimal relief of his
PMH: Positive history of GERD and hypertension is controlled
FH: Mother died at 78 of breast cancer; Father at 75 of CVA. No
history of premature cardiovascular disease in first degree
SH : Negative for tobacco abuse, currently or previously;
consumes moderate alcohol; married for 39 years
General–Negative for fevers, chills, fatigue
Cardiovascular–Negative for orthopnea, PND, positive for
intermittent lower extremity edema
Gastrointestinal–Positive for nausea without vomiting; negative for
diarrhea, abdominal pain
Pulmonary–Positive for intermittent dyspnea on exertion, negative
for cough or hemoptysis