Posted: April 20th, 2022
How to select my random sample from a population?
How to select my random sample from a population?
This document provides you a step-by-step guide to draw randomly your sample from a large population as
required for Assignment 1.
Step 1: Data Data AnalysisRandom Number Generation OK
Step 2: Enter the details as shown in the box below and 2000 random numbers would be generated in
Column A. Please note that you would have data on different variables in the columns after Household
Step 3: After you generate the random numbers, now right click anywhere on the sheet and then
choose sort custom sort from the drop down menu.
Number of variables = 1
Number of Random Numbers = 2000
Distribution: Uniform
Between: 0 and 10
Random Seed: Last four digits of your student ID
Output Range: A2
Press OK
Choose Rand in sort by and rest of the options as shown in the following picture. Then press Ok.
This will sort the data on Rand whilst shuffling corresponding household data as shown below.
Step 4: Now you can select data for the first 250 households. Copy this information (all variables) and
paste on sheet 2 of this Excel file. This completes your sample selection.
Prepared by: Dr. Saqib Manzoor
ID Income ATaxInc Grocery Alcohol Meals Fuel Cloth Phone Utilities Texp Children Adults Ownhouse
Degree GHH
0.013428 H1560 85228 70026 8690 348 0 2000 800 720 300 16144 0 3 1 S F
0.019227 H0606 120407 106445 7821 782 1800 540 960 660 1700 39115 0 2 1 B F
0.02411 H0365 28000 26362 13035 1043 1800 2100 900 1200 310 22933 0 2 1 M M
0.030213 H0805 110000 83042 7039 2086 3000 1980 900 1020 845 28177 0 2 1 S F
0.034181 H1630 41580 37145 7821 2607 2400 0 840 420 1400 26909 0 2 1 S M
How do I choose a random sample of people from a population?
This document will walk you through the process of randomly selecting a sample from a large population.
Assignment 1 requires it.
Data is the first step. OK, let’s do some data analysis and generate some random numbers.
Step 2: Fill in the information in the box below, and 2000 random numbers will be generated in seconds.
A is the first column. Please note that after Household, you will have data on various variables in the columns.
Step 3: After you’ve generated the random numbers, right-click anywhere on the sheet and select “Insert Random Number” from the menu.
From the drop-down menu, select custom sort.
Number of variables = 1
Number of Random Numbers = 2000
Distribution: Uniform
Between: 0 and 10
Random Seed: Last four digits of your student ID