Posted: April 13th, 2023
How Satisfied Iphone12 Users Are Compared To Samsung S20 Users
You are required to write a 4,000 word (with 10% over/under) research paper based on your practical project for this module. The paper should contain rigorous evidence and references from the primary (your own effort of social data harvesting) and/ or secondary data collection (third-party available dataset or current literatures) you undertook. Research Rationale and MotivationAs part of practical research in this module and learnt from the weekly studios, you will be harvesting a suitable dataset using the relevant tools, i.e. Tableau, Python, Facebook or Twitter API or third party Tool(s) and extracting relevant information from the results. Therefore, you should start your paper with the motivation or rationale of your research, especially the business aim of your project. The design and approach of your project such as the reasons for the choice of social web harvesting, scope for strategic or tactical decision making, business values, public interest, marketing campaign, product reviews, branding and marketing, customers’ preferences or other etc. Research Tools and MethodsYou need to discuss your research into suitable tools and/ or APIs and the justification for your choice. Based on this, you should then document the design of your project and show clearly how your research project communicates with any third-party service or API. Results and VisualisationsYou should discuss the results with necessary business or social implications and relate that back to the motivation or rationale of your social media project. Visualisation is very important, so the report should also contain suitable visualisations for your business storytelling out of the social data you collected. Limitations and ImplicationsIn addition, project limitations and recommendations are desirable. Conclusion and AppendicesFinally, draw a conclusion with key results to nicely conclude your web harvesting research. You are encouraged to compare various technical tools and techniques to demonstrate the social media analytics skills you have learnt. You can implement your social web harvesting research project using any suitable language / technology / third-party tools you see fit. You can hard-code queries or you can provide a suitable front-end where users can enter search keywords. In addition, you can show the results in any suitable form, e.g. tables, various forms of innovative graphs or information overlaid on a map. The final visualisation needs to be published on Tableau Public and include the link and evidences in the paper as Appendixes.
Additional Information
Referencing Requirements (Harvard)
The Harvard (or author-date) format should be strictly used for all references (including images). Further information on Referencing can be found at Cardiff Met’s Academic Skills website. Edit question’s attachments..
-research paper writing service