Posted: November 23rd, 2022
How Does Transformational Leadership Impact Employees?
Transformational Leadership: What Is It?
There isn’t a “one size fits all” approach to leadership. There are actually many distinct leadership philosophies that people can adopt, and each has advantages and disadvantages. However, transformational leadership is one of the leadership philosophies that is most successful at creating long-lasting change.
Most likely, you already know of a few individuals who have used transformational leadership. For instance, Henry Ford was a transformational leader who boosted wages, reduced working hours, and offered health benefits in addition to innovating to lower the cost of the automobile.
Ford’s transformational leadership approach was not unique. Others have shown the potent impact that transformational leadership can have, including the leader of the civil rights movement Martin Luther King Jr., the advertising giant David Ogilvy, and the technology tycoon Steve Jobs. This type of leadership has grown to be associated with innovation, advancement, and modernism over time.
You will comprehend the abilities and strengths you require to motivate others to transform the planet as you study more about transformational leadership. Additionally, you’ll get knowledge from some of history’s most successful transformational leaders.
Following transformative leaders is associated with greater levels of wellbeing.
Many of the good developments that have occurred in the world today are the result of transformational leadership.
Leaders who want to transform their organizations must have a hopeful outlook.
A transformational leader can be anyone.
Transformational leadership and servant leadership go hand in hand.
Transformational Leadership: What Is It?
A call to action, a compelling vision, and a call to action are all components of the leadership style known as transformational leadership, which empowers others to effect good change. By developing an emotional connection with their followers and motivating them to do something bigger than themselves, leaders bring about change. They inspire and support their followers to keep moving forward by sharing a hopeful future vision. Collective action leads to creativity, significant transformation, and the advancement of society as a whole as the ultimate result.
The Transformational Leadership Model was created by who?
Scholars started to develop the transformational leadership theory in the 1970s and 1980s. In his book Rebel Leadership: Commitment and Charisma in the Revolutionary Process, sociologist James V. Downton introduced the concept of “transformational leadership.” After then, James MacGregor Burns and Bernard M. Bass, two more influential figures in the creation of this leadership style, became interested in the concept.
Burns studied political luminaries like John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt to determine the traits, personalities, and objectives of transformational leaders. His definition of transformational leaders as individuals who also change their followers into leaders was one of his most significant contributions to the research. Bass, though, put greater emphasis on The Four I’s, which are given below, and how transformational leaders affect their followers.
Which 4 Characteristics Define Transformational Leadership?
Influence that is idealized: The leader sets an example for followers to imitate. They also exhibit the defined corporate principles, leading by example so that those who follow them know what is expected of them. This impact can be easily created by leaders who have built relationships of respect and trust with their followers.
Inspirational Motivation: A transformative leader may fervently convey an enthralling future vision, motivating people to take action. The leader can also motivate people to continue working toward the main goal in the face of any difficulties or hurdles.
Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders always encourage the learning, development, and growth of their followers. They sincerely think that it is their responsibility to assist others in becoming their best selves.
Individualized Thought: A transformative leader doesn’t merely behave toward vast groups when they do something. Instead, they work with individuals, demonstrating interest in their personal development. These leaders take on the role of a mentor or coach who actually cares about getting to know each member of the group.
Leading Characteristics of Transformational Leaders
Leadership specialists have uncovered numerous characteristics shared by transformational leaders during the past 50 years. Although other beneficial characteristics and leadership abilities may be displayed by leaders, the following list only includes a few of them.
When a leader engages in transformative leadership, they:
Clearly state the group’s mission and vision.
bring individuals together for a shared goal.
engage on an emotional level with their followers.
Rather than using authority, take the initiative.
Make sure the culture of the team is moral.
act as role models for those they mentor.
When necessary, they adjust their strategy in light of the situation.
Establish the values of the company.
Use new leadership techniques.
inspire and motivate others to action.
Put self-interest aside and employ servant leadership.
provide fruitful results.
Benefits of Transformational Leadership Practice
Transformational leadership is more than simply a catchphrase used by PR firms. It has tangible, enduring repercussions. This leadership approach has several advantages, including the leaders themselves. The advantages include the ones listed below.
More Courage and Hope: The world can be gloomy at times. A transformative leader uplifts others around them, motivating them to have courage and hope even in the most trying circumstances. They inspire followers to take action for everyone’s benefit.
Real Change: The world changes for the better as a result of transformational leadership. Just consider all the good that Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished in such a short period of time. A changemaker is a transformational leader like King. They usher in a time when things are done differently.
Strong Bonds Are Formed: Emotional resonance is a powerful motivator for individuals, and transformational leaders have great emotional intelligence. This indicates that their relationships with their followers are frequently very close. They are highly regarded and adored by those that follow them.
Enhancement of Well-Being: Transformational leadership can also have a favorable effect on a person’s health and perspective. Workers who had a transformational leader reported better levels of well-being, according to a poll of more than 300 employees.
More Feelings of Safety: People who work with transformational leaders get more assistance. Because followers could talk openly about faults without fear of receiving judgment or reprimands, this results in what one recent study described an increased feeling of “psychological safety.”
Reduced Stress: Reducing your stress is another advantage. According to one study, there was less conflict and stress in a transformational leadership environment, which increased productivity and effectiveness.
5 Ways to Lead in a Transformative Way
1. Establish a gratifying vision and mission
The transformational leadership style emphasizes the importance of developing a vision and mission, whether for your company or just for your personal life. Start with why, outlining the motivation behind your goal so others will understand why their job matters. Be specific in your vision statement and express it to others. People will recognize your authenticity as long as you base every decision you make on your vision and objective.
2. Promote and Encourage Change
By inspiring others to effect change, transformational leaders elicit group action. These leaders communicate a problem by connecting with the feelings of those who share it. The leader then delivers a concise action plan before motivating viewers with a vision of the potential future. The next step is an invitation to assist the leader in bringing about that transformation.
3. Employ a servant leadership style
Being a transformative leader and being a servant leader frequently go hand in hand. This is due to the fact that transformative experiences are frequently motivated by servant leadership’s philosophy and heart. These leadership styles have many traits in common, including encouraging positive change and having a growth attitude. Both create trustworthy groups around causes that benefit others rather than the leader, as well.
4. Serve as a Model
Many people won’t pay attention to a transformational leader until they live their values. Make sure you embody the ideology you are promoting. Demonstrate to individuals how to bring about the change you desire. People act much more readily when they have a plan they can adhere to. If not, your message could come off as meaningless platitudes.
5. Consider Solutions
Problems can be discussed for hours by anyone, but transformative leaders work to find solutions. To develop innovative and practical ideas that work and change the world, one needs a transformational mentality. Because they offer a cure for a perceived ill, people are naturally drawn to individuals who offer remedies.
the top illustrations of transformational leaders
King, Martin Luther Jr.
Although not everyone can become famous, everyone has the potential to be great since greatness is measured by service.
One of the most significant leaders in American history was Martin Luther King Jr. MLK led the civil rights movement and battled for the rights of those who had been oppressed for a very long time. His leadership offered a hopeful outlook for the future and inspired others to fight with him for a better tomorrow. King believed that everyone could make a difference regardless of their circumstances, and his message was one of love and equitable treatment for everyone.
“Small acts done with tremendous love will change the world,” said Mother Teresa.
Mother Teresa spent her entire life providing care for sick and vulnerable persons who were frequently ignored. Due to her unselfish efforts all across the world, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Mother Teresa held the view that alleviating other people’s suffering may benefit the entire planet. She was prepared to forgo her own comfort in order to be nice and compassionate to others who were homeless, addicted, living in poverty, and other groups. She established a model for how to help the world be healed one person at a time by doing so, setting an example that others may imitate.
Branson, Richard
“Follow your passions in a way that helps the world and you. There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work.”
One of the most well-known transformative leaders in the world today is Richard Branson. He started Virgin Records in 1972. Since then, a wide range of sectors have been explored and developed by the Virgin brand. Branson is a beloved leader in part because of his charming, ardent demeanor, which motivates both clients and staff. He is also a committed environmentalist who works hard to develop innovative approaches to sustainable living.
Hastings, Reed
Be brutally honest about the near future while remaining upbeat and assured about the long term.
The CEO and co-founder of Netflix articulates and realizes his company’s long-term goal of becoming the top provider of entertainment on a worldwide scale. Reed Hastings recognized an opportunity to enhance DVD rentals by facilitating easier access to movies and television shows as a transformational leader. Additionally, Netflix produces its own original material and keeps improving its streaming service. As a result, the business keeps opening new doors for online entertainment.
Theo Musk
“You do something even though the chances are not in your favor when it is essential enough.”
Elon Musk, although being no stranger to recent controversy, is still a leader with a distinct outlook on the future. Regardless of how important they may seem, Elon Musk prioritizes problem-solving in his leadership approach. Musk doesn’t let the size of an issue stop him from tackling it, whether it’s making electric vehicles more accessible or making space travel more inexpensive. Many others have been motivated to follow his lead because of his unwavering commitment to identify solutions and implement them.
Questions and Answers on Transformational Leadership
What distinguishes transactional leadership from transformative leadership?
The opposite of transformative leadership is transactional leadership. It’s a management approach that entices followers with the prospect of rewards and the threat of punishment. By contrast, transformational leadership fosters inner growth, inspiration, and positivity.
What drawbacks do transformational leaders face?
While a transformational leader motivates change by conveying broad concepts, they are typically less adept at handling specifics and procedures. They frequently require logistical experts on the team to execute the planning and implementation of goals as a result.
Additionally, because they frequently exhibit high levels of extroversion, charisma, and influence, transformational leaders have the potential to lead by unintentionally manipulating others. Having someone hold these leaders accountable through perceptive, impartial viewpoints can be beneficial.
Which transformational leaders are the most well-known?
Throughout history, there have been many transformational leaders. Other notable examples of transformational leaders include Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson, and Susan B. Anthony.
Who are transformational leaders, exactly?
People who are transformational leaders have a clear goal of improving the world. They are first-principles thinkers who are innovators and artists. They might also be a little rebellious and risk-takers. These leaders opt to go it alone in order to bring about change because they are not satisfied with the current situation.
Anyone can adopt this leadership style and lead in their own unique way. All you require is a broad vision, strong communication abilities, a strong desire to connect with others, and the ability to inspire and motivate them even in trying circumstances.
Top, C., Abdullah, B. M. S., & Faraj, A. H. M. (2020). Transformational leadership impact on employees performance. Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 1(1), 49-59.
Rafique, M. A., Hou, Y., Chudhery, M. A. Z., Waheed, M., Zia, T., & Chan, F. (2022). Investigating the impact of pandemic job stress and transformational leadership on innovative work behavior: The mediating and moderating role of knowledge sharing. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(3), 100214.