Posted: September 28th, 2022
This worksheet is designed to assess your ability to evaluate research designs, determine the most appropriate research design, conduct statistical tests using SPSS software, and present research conslusions (including appropriately formatted figures) using professional conventions. Such skills are fundamental to critically consuming, evaluating and producing research.
Be sure you have reviewed this module’s assigned readings and presentations before completing this assignment. This assignment is worth 90 points. Each question is worth 5 content points except #12, which is worth 6 pts. Nine (9) points are assigned to general formatting. This includes using ensuring the homework is completed and submitted according to the instructions, SPSS output and images are legible and relevant, and that basic college level writing skills (e.g., grammar, sentence structure) are used in the results write-ups. Answers should be placed where indicated (e.g., “ANSWER”). Note: all questions must be attempted to be eligible for full credit of “format” points.
• You will use the M7 Cumulative SPSS Data file (an SPSS data file) to conduct most of the tests in this assessment. It is located in the folder associated with this assignment.
• Please note that for all problems in this course, the standard cut-off (alpha) for a test of significance will be .05, and you always report the exact power unless SPSS output states p=.000 (you’d report p<.001). Remember to check your graphs! You often have to ADD the y – axis title.
• Submit the file as a WORD document (.doc or .docx). Make sure the filename of your submission includes your full name, course and section.
o Example: SPSS7_JohnDoe_515B01
Background information on the M7 Cumulative SPSS Data
Download the M7 Cumulative SPSS Data file associated with this worksheet. It has coded data that you will use to design, conduct, and interpret to demonstrate mastery of research methods and. It is updated regularly, so make sure you download the current file linked this specific term. Here is a description for each variable:
GENDER 0 = male; 1 = female
EVENTS number of stressful life events that had occurred in the last year
SATISFACTION average Likert-based (1-5) response to survey assessing workplace satisfaction (higher indicates higher satisfaction)
ERROR1 this number represents identification of OSHA hazards before completing the annual OSHA training (higher # = identification of more errors)
ERROR2 this number represents identification of OSHA hazards after completing the annual OSHA training (higher # = identification of more errors)
EMPLOYEE employee type (1 = sales; 2 = warehouse; 3 = management)
SKILLS1 skills assessment taken within the first week on the job (higher = better skills)
SKILLS2 skills assessment completed after 6 months on the job (higher = better skills)
SKILLS3 skills assessment completed after 1 year of service (higher = better skills)
SALARY1 salary at time of hire
SALARY2 current salary
YEARS number of years employed
PERSONALITY Personality type (1 = Type “A” or 2 = Type “B”)
Cumulative Scenario 1 (30 pts)
Using the dataset provided, determine two variables that would be appropriate to assess using a two-group design to assess a “difference”. It can be between-subjects (BS) or within-subjects (WS) design. Use your selections to answer the following questions.
1. Decide on the two variables. List them using the names exactly as named within the SPSS file. For each, identify the variable type (independent or dependent). For the independent variable, indicate whether it is BS or WS. For the dependent variable, indicate its scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, or scale).
2. State the null and research hypotheses based on the variables you selected, labeling one as the “null” and one as “research”. Explain why you used a one- or two-tailed hypothesis, noting the grade on that portion is solely based on the consistency of your justification with your choice of tail type.
3. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:
4. Use the degrees of freedom from your SPSS output or if necessary, hand-calculate them using the formulas in your e-book. Using the Appendix in your e-book to find the critical value, and list it here (do NOT round – include all decimal places). Also label and state your obtained value from your SPSS output. Is the critical value SMALLER or LARGER than the obtained value from your SPSS output? Does this mean you REJECT or FAIL TO REJECT the null hypothesis? Does this mean the results are “significant” or “non-significant”?
5. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and format it using professional conventions. Present it as Figure 1 in the space below. Make sure you include the figure label (Figure 1), and create a Figure Title – all of this must be in proper format (including spacing and font style).
6. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. Make sure to describe what the conclusions mean in general terms. You must include a call-out to Figure 1. Examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.
Cumulative Scenario 2 (31 pts)
Using the dataset provided, select one variable that is within subjects (can be two or three levels) and one that is scale that will serve as your dependent variable. You cannot use a scenario from a previous answer (you can re-use one of the variables, but not both). Use your selections to answer the following questions.
7. Decide on the two variables. List them using the names exactly as named within the SPSS file. State the null and research hypotheses based on the variables you selected, labeling one as the “null” and one as “research”.
8. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:
9. Use the degrees of freedom from your SPSS output or if necessary, hand-calculate them using the formulas in your e-book. Using the Appendix in your e-book to find the critical value, and list it here (do NOT round – include all decimal places). Also label and state your obtained value from your SPSS output. Is the critical value SMALLER or LARGER than the obtained value from your SPSS output? Does this mean you REJECT or FAIL TO REJECT the null hypothesis? Does this mean the results are “significant” or “non-significant”?
10. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and format it using professional conventions. Present it as Figure 2 in the space below. Make sure you include the figure label (Figure 2), and create a Figure Title – all of this must be in proper format (including spacing and font style).
11. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. Make sure to describe what the conclusions mean in general terms. You must include a call-out to Figure 2. Examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.
12. Discuss one concern you could imagine regarding internal validity, and one concern regarding external validity as they specifically relate to the scenario you created for this section. (HINT: You can look up the definitions of “internal validity” and “external validity” in your ebook glossery as a reminder – but then must apply those definitions to envision your own concerns related to them!) The points are solely on whether the justifications are consistent with the definitions and are realistic given the general nature of the scenario you selected (3 pts each = 6 pts total)
Cumulative Scenario 3 (30 pts)
Using the dataset provided, select two variables you would like to examine regarding a “relationship”. Use your selections to answer the following questions.
13. Decide on the two variables. List them using the names exactly as named within the SPSS file. Indicate the scale of measurement for each variable (nominal, ordinal, or scale). State the null and research hypotheses based on the variables you selected, labeling one as the “null” and one as “research”. Explain why you used a one- or two-tailed hypothesis, noting the grade on that portion is solely based on your justification.
14. Use the degrees of freedom from your SPSS output or if necessary, hand-calculate them using the formulas in your e-book. Using the Appendix in your e-book to find the critical value, and list it here (do NOT round – include all decimal places). Also label and state your obtained value from your SPSS output. Is the critical value SMALLER or LARGER than the obtained value from your SPSS output? Does this mean you REJECT or FAIL TO REJECT the null hypothesis? Does this mean the results are “significant” or “non-significant”? use the output from SPSS to determine the degrees of freedom, or, if that is not possible, manually compute them using the methods in your e-book. Find the critical value by consulting the Appendix of your electronic book, and then list it here. Additionally, identify and state the value that you acquired from the SPSS result. Is the obtained result from your SPSS output smaller or larger than the crucial value, and which is it and why? Does this suggest that you REJECT the null hypothesis or that you FAIL TO REJECT it? Does this indicate that the results are significant or that they are not significant?
15. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below:
16. Create an appropriate graph in SPSS and format it using professional conventions. Present it as Figure 3 in the space below. Make sure you include the figure label (Figure 3), and create a Figure Title – all of this must be in proper format (including spacing and font style).
17. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. Make sure to describe what the conclusions mean in general terms. You must include a call-out to Figure 3. Examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document.
18. Describe one potentially confounding variable in this scenario. Why do you think it may confound interpretations of the data?
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.