Posted: November 19th, 2022
Holocaust Denial
Holocaust Denial
i need to do an outline on rhe holocaust Denial and I need to prsent bothsides of the argument. my position is that i believe the holocaust did really happen. use MLA Format and include souces i have alreaady found. Anne Frank: Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank Denying Histoy:Who sys the Holocaust ever happened and why do they say that? by Alex Grobman The Encoclopedia of genocide Author:Charney, Israel
One of the best acknowledged historical events is the Holocaust. “Holocaust denial” refers to attempts to rub out the facts that the Nazi genocide of European Jewry actually took place. The assertions of common denial are that the events of World War II that led to the execution of six million Jews never occurred; they also claim that the poison gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp never happened and that there was no intention or official policy of the Nazis to execute the Jews. The current trend of this distortion includes, assertions that the deaths at the camp were as a result of starvation or disease, but not policy, the Anne Frank diary was a forgery and that the stated figure of six million was exaggerated (Israel, Wiesenthal and Tutu).
Holocaust denial
The “Holocaust deniers” have argued that it was not a Jews issue. They say it as an attack on the past and the approach we use to pass on the history into the future. Their arguments are drawn from a wide collection of interviews and evidence they conducted amongst known deniers and the manuscript from their literature and Web sites. They examined the function of the biases in past research, the psychology of right-wing activist and free speech issues using the Holocaust denial literature. They also reveal that the denial of the Holocaust is not cynicism, and that it is the revisionists who failed to be genuinely skeptical. Doing skepticism in an honest way includes an attitude that is inquisitive, which should be humanly as possible, hence should not be marred with ethnic or political prejudices. In addition, the deniers claim that skepticism should also include an enthusiasm to tag along the facts to wherever it may lead, and not assuming those that does not fit ones predetermined desires (Shermer, Grobman and Arthur)
Evidence for the Holocaust
On the contrary, there has been sufficient evidence to prove that the Holocaust took place. For instance, after the death of Otto Frank in 1980 a forensic study was done by the Netherlands Institute of War Documentation on the manuscripts. The examined materials included the ink and original notebooks, and the loose version and handwriting found in them. According to the published results of 1986; Anne Frank handwriting attributed handwriting was positively harmonized with the present-day samples of Anne Frank’s handwriting. Consistency was also found in the loose papers, glue, ink and paper found in the diaries with equipment on hand in Amsterdam for the duration in which the diaries were written. Investigations also discovered that the entire threshold in the printed version was correct transcriptions of script entries in Anne Frank’s scribble, and that they mirrored roughly a third of the objects assembled for the initial publication (Frank).
From the literature, there is enough evidence to believe that the Holocaust did happen. To begin six million was a huge number to make such kind of claim without evidence to show to the world. The evidence of the concentration camp is also clear evidence. Those who deny these events fail to provide proof instead base their arguments in theory with no proof.
Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Globe Book Co, 1992. Print
Israel, Charny W, Simon Wiesenthal and Desmond Tutu. Encyclopedia of Genocide: Vol. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC – CLIO, 1999. Print. n.d.
Shermer, Michael, Alex Grobman and Hertzberg Arthur. Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.: Univ. of California Press, 2002. Print. n.d.