Posted: May 1st, 2022
Choose one of the prompts below to write a one full-page essay. You must cite your sources using
icago/Turabian style ( (Links to an external site.) and you wiChll
need to provide a bibliography or works cited page. Make sure you format your document with one-inch
margins, 12pt Times New Roman, DO NOT double space your essay, and use parenthetical citations
where needed. It will go through a plagiarism checker when you submit your work.
1. What would you argue is the origin of the contemporary conservative movement? When would you
start a history of the conservative movement? What key moments would you highlight in its rise to
2. Many of the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s can be described as going through two phases:
an initial phase where they offered legislative solutions and a second where they attempted to effect broad
cultural change. Which of these phases do you believe had a greater effect on America?
3. Explain how U.S. involvement in Korea and Vietnam—two key moments when the Cold War turned
hot—followed from foreign policy doctrines the U.S had established during the Cold War.
4. Is it fair to characterize the contemporary period (from the 1980s to the present) as a “Second Gilded
Age”? Consider political, economic, and social factors in your response.
5. In 1941, Henry Luce called for Americans to embrace the fact that the twentieth century “must be to a
significant degree an American Century.” Looking back, do you think America rose to this challenge as
Luce defined it? If not, what kind of century to do you think it was?
Essay Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Response to the Question
The essay question has been fully answered and all arguments are
supported with evidence.
50 pts
0 pts
50 pts
Intro and Thesis
Essay has a well-developed thesis statement that gives a roadmap to the
essay and a complete intro to the essay.
25 pts
0 pts
25 pts
Formatting and Resources
Paper is formatted following the instructions and all information has been
properly cited and there is a work cited or bibliography page.
25 pts
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100
To write a one-page essay, choose one of the prompts below. You must use the Chicago/Turabian style to cite your sources ( (Links to an external site.) as well as you
A bibliography or works referenced page is required. Make sure your document is formatted with a one-inch margin.
12pt margins The font is Times New Roman. Use parenthetical citations instead of double spacing in your writing.
where it’s required When you submit your work, it will be checked for plagiarism.
1. What do you think the origins of the modern conservative movement are? When would you like to do it?
start a history of the conservative movement? What key moments would you highlight in its rise to
2. Many of the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s can be described as going