Posted: February 26th, 2022
History 007A – Spring 2022 Final Examination
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History 007A – Spring 2022 Final Examination
Purpose: The purpose of the final examination essay is for you to craft an essay that brings together all of the elements (analytical, technical and craft writing) of the course. It is an opportunity to review your lecture notes, reading notes, primary sources and craft an essay that demonstrates an understanding of those materials and provides analysis of a historical event or topic. Remember you must have a clear thesis statement, provide the reader a clear sense of the direction of the essay and then build out from that foundation. Assignment: Choose one of the following prompts and compose a 9-10 page (double-spaced, 12-point font) essay, due Friday, March 4, 2022 at 11PM via CANVAS submission electronically. The essay must be in MLA format, including a separate page for sources (if referenced). For guides on effective writing strategies, see this MLA-based online guide ( papers). Please submit as either a MSWORD or .pdf document. Taken together the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are considered
the foundational documents to American democracy. However, there are other documents and published speeches that have influenced the flow and direction of democracy in America. Selecting at least four additional documents published or printed before 1865 and identify how these documents have had a profound impact on the mind and spirit of the population in America and possibly overseas.
There were Americans that thought American independence in 1776 was a monumental
mistake. Without glorifying the position of royalists, analyze and examine the position of what some historians have estimated as one-third of the politically active population in 1776, as against the goals of the Sons of Liberty. Consider the situation in Europe, Protestantism verses Catholicism, French alliances with indigenous people, and the influence of slavery and abolition in your examination of their position. Without taking a side, explain the Royalist position which was in opposition to the colonial patriots.
It is often called “the forgotten war” because it isn’t studied much in school. But the War of
1812 played a big role in helping the United States grow up and become more than just a collection of states. With a detail examination of the reasons Congress and President Madison declared war on Great Britain on June 12, 1812 explain the goals and policy achievements they hoped to achieve. Also provide a deeper analysis on how the War of 1812 influenced American domestic and foreign policy long after the Treaty to Ghent was signed in Belgium.
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“Slavery, slavery, slavery” is repeated in the majority of lectures in this course. We accept as students of history that the cause of the U.S. Civil War was slavery, but why is the central cause and theme of that monumental conflict which killed over 700,000 Americans minimalized? Why is slavery taught almost as an afterthought by most teachers? Using your understanding of historical retelling and “the purpose of the past,” offer a thoughtful reflection on the use or omission of history and how this and other historic events shape American identity and culture.
Jolted by the raid by John Brown on Harpers Ferry, the South became convinced that its
entire way of life, based on slave labor was irretrievably threatened by the election to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Was Lincoln’s opposition to spread of slavery into the Western territories the prime motivation for Southern politicians to support secession and establishment of the Confederate States of America? In a careful examination of the events and politicians of the time (1859-1861) explain the cause of the U.S. Civil War.
The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson is our nation’s founding text.
It has been referenced as one of the world’s premier statement on justice and citizenship. However, the document and the writer are full of contradictions. Using research and material that offers a specific understanding of the colonial world between 1774 and 1777, examine Jefferson’s understanding of equality and individual liberty. Expand your analysis to include the Sons of Liberty, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin which may offer additional insight to Thomas Jefferson’s task to write the “Declaration of the Causes and Necessity to Taking Up Arms” for the Continental Congress.
Until the 13th Amendment and the 19th Amendment respectfully, people of color and
women were denied the right to vote and participate as citizens in the Republic. However, the voices of Black citizens and women were not totally silenced. Offer a thoughtful analysis of these voices and what they represented and what they were attempting to share with their world (and our world). Consider including reflections on/about Abigail Adams, Phillis Wheatley, Lucretia Mott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman.
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History 007A Final Exam – Spring 2022
The goal of the final assessment essay is for you to write an essay that combines all of the parts of the course (analytical, technical, and craft writing). It is an opportunity to go through your lecture notes, reading notes, and primary sources and write an essay that exhibits your understanding of those materials and analyzes a historical event or issue. Remember that you must have a clear thesis statement, give the reader a sense of the essay’s direction, and then build out from that base. Assignment: Choose one of the following prompts and write a 9-10 page (double-spaced, 12-point font) essay that is due Friday, March 4, 2022 at 11 p.m. via CANVAS.