Posted: January 28th, 2022
Historical Christian Purpose of Education
History of Christian Education Name of Academic Institution Purpose of Education
Christian Education’s Historical and Present-Day Purpose
The historical Christian objective of education was to aid in the spread of the gospel through academics, according to Christian tradition. Because the founders were concerned about leaving an uneducated ministry in their wake, they founded educational institutions on the Christian religion (Harvard First Convenes Classes, 1636). Christians who founded the university were evangelical in their belief that the young academics would further their understanding in spiritual things. Furthermore, the ancient Christian objective was to propagate Christianity through the training of young academics. It also concentrated on teaching abilities that will be useful in the new environment. For example, Harvard College was founded with the intention of teaching clergy (Harvard First Convenes Classes, 1636). According to statistics, out of a total of 108 schools in ancient America, 106 of the educational institutions were built by Christians on Christian ideas, according to the data (Harvard First Convenes Classes, 1636). Harvard’s norms and precepts serve as a strong demonstration that the historical Christian objective of education was to propagate Christian faith in the world around us. Educating young scholars to deal with the realities of the new world, including its obstacles, is my belief that education serves a useful function. Furthermore, education aids in the homogenization of people from various origins for the purpose of establishing a national identity in a country. Learning encourages people to think in a more consistent manner, which makes it easier for the government in place to carry out its statutory responsibilities (Rush, 1786). Learning how to look critically about one’s own situation is one of the many benefits of education for individuals. For example, it serves as the foundation for a variety of inventions since scholars are motivated to find solutions to the challenges that face the globe. It is my belief that the aim of education is to remind young scholars that they have a responsibility to play in society, such as taking care of the environment (Smith, 2008). According to my belief, education motivates scholars to take action in order to alleviate the faults of society.
Harvard University Holds Its First Convocation (1636). Harvard was founded by Christian missionaries. The following information was obtained from
Rush, B., and Rush, B. (1786). Observations on the proper style of education in a republican society. The document was retrieved from
S. Smith and J. Smith (2008). Students of Liberty University are known as McGuffey Readers. This document was retrieved from fac pubs/.