Posted: February 21st, 2022
HIPPA Violations
HIPAA is a law that was enacted to protect patients’ private health information (PHI). The HIPAA law was enacted in 1996. This law has since been amended to include more specifics on PHI as it relates to technology. Most recently, in 2009, HITECH, a segment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, has been enacted to include an expansion to electronic PHI (ePHI). HITECH provides benefits for providers to encourage the adoption of ePHI systems.
Reflect back to the Telepsychiatry EDn case chosen for your proposal. Select a resolution agreement from the Health and Human Services’ 2018 OCR HIPAA Summary: Settlements and Judgements ( Provide an analysis of the HIPAA violation of patient health information (PHI) that was present in the attached case you selected. Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference entry for your chosen case from the Resolution Agreements page.
In your case analysis,
-Analyze the specific HIPAA privacy and security rules that were broken.
-Explain the penalties (if any) that were imposed as a result of the ruling on the case.
-Develop a health system improvement plan to include applicable Federal standards.
-Propose a risk analysis strategy addressing appropriate laws and regulations.
-Apply the lessons learned from this particular case to your Proposal
*Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style.
*Must use at least three scholarly or peer-reviewed sources in APA style.
HIPAA is a statute that was designed to protect the private health information of patients (PHI). The HIPAA Act was passed in 1996. This statute has since been updated to incorporate more specifics on PHI and technology. Recently, in 2009, HITECH, a component of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was enacted to include an expansion of electronic PHI (ePHI). To encourage the implementation of ePHI systems, HITECH provides benefits to providers.
Consider the Telepsychiatry EDn case you choose for your proposal. Choose a settlement agreement from the 2018 OCR HIPAA Summary: Settlements and Judgements ( Analyze the HIPAA violation of patient health information (PHI) that occurred in the associated case you choose.