Posted: February 21st, 2023
High School Experience
When you start a new school or start a new grade you have all these emotions that run threw your head that may stress you out. When I started high school I had some problems along the way one of the problems I had was getting to school and class on time. Another thing that I had a problem with was all the homework and projects. The last thing that I worried about was making friends. After my first year at Brien McMahon high school I moved across town and went to another school called Norwalk High School.
My first year of high school it was really fun and stressful at some points. One of my problems were getting to school and class on time. It was really stressful because the bus would come very early and I would have trouble waking up in the morning. Every first period I was late or missed class it was hurting my grade really bad so I asked my mom if she could bring me to school in the morning. With her bringing me to school it was easier to wake up and get ready for school.
My attendance had improved by doing that as well. During the school year I had big problems keeping up with my homework and bringing projects on time. One day I really was tired of getting bad grades so I decided to stay after school and get some extra help for my homework and it help me understand the work a lot better it also help me do better on test and quizzes. When I had a project I would stay after school and get an idea or advice for my project. Staying after school gave me a boost of cofidence in me and my work.
After my first year at Brien McMahon I had moved to another school called Norwalk High school. The first week was terrible I didn’t know anybody there which made class very boring. The next week I was in gym class when a group of kids that used to play on my basketball team saw me and made me feel welcomed to the school. I started to sit with them at lunch as the year went by sitting with them I made lots of friends my first year and it ended up being very fun.
I graduated at Norwalk high knowing so much people and having a lot of friends when I look back to it im glad I went there and I wouldn’t change it for nothing. When you start a new school or start a new grade you have all these emotions that run threw your head that may stress you out. If you just think about the positive In school you will have a lot of fun and learn a lot. One good reason you should stay in school is because you need a education it will help you in the long run.