Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Healthy Settlement of Migratory Workers
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Project on healthy settlement of migratory workers in a town of Gujarat
Migration is the inevitable process of any country. People are migrating for the better opportunities and socioeconomic condition. Particularly the workforce migration is more common in last decade due to boom in construction industry in India. This inevitable process should be made safe and healthy by the local and national government. But unfortunately there is no policy of government for such migratory population in country, which force to pay heavy cost for human development. Due to this the migrant population are always neglected and left to mercy of God. They do not have safe hygiene, safe water supply, safe shelter, good education, healthcare or safe food.
There are some facts and figures in this context –
- The Article 19 of Constitution of India gives right to all citizens ‘to move freely throughout the territory of India; to reside and settle in any part of territory of India’.
- As per NSSO 2007-08, internal migration in India is 28.5% of population.
- The migration in India is the two types; long term and short term migration. Long term migration results the permanent relocation. Short term migration means seasonal migration around 30% of total migration is short term or seasonal migration. This is the group which is manly belonging to lower sociao economic group and poor vulnerable group. They are schedule casts or schedule tribe with low education, economically weak and lack of resources.
- Majority of workforce migrate for the opportunity of work. The females are the associated migratory population.
- This construction industry has the 310,000 Crores INR volumes. And around 82% of workforce is unorganized and unskilled labour.
- The bigger the city, higher the number of migratory workers with great expectation of the employment. But it doesn’t mean there is no migration to small town.
- On 28th July 2014, Indian Express reported that CAG reported that only 6% of 12 lack construction workers are registered in Gujarat. This registration is for providing the eight welfare schemes. The eight welfare schemes are educational assistance, maternity benifites, accidental death, medical assistance, housing assistance, Rastriya Swasth Bima Yojana, funeral assistance and training.
Looking to these challenges the _______ NGO working in the Gujarat is willing to develop model concept for the government which is easy scalable and cost effective for the settlement of migratory workers in small town and city of the Gujarat. The project for to provide holistic social economic development of migratory population in a town Surendranagar of Gujarat with following objectives –
- To assess the baseline living condition including education, social, health, hygienic conditions of temporary migratory workers in a town of Gujarat.
- To develop healthy and hygienic settlement shelter care model for the temporary migratory population.
- To find out the use of mobile technology for registration and movement of such population.
- To develop model such a way that they will get all government services and welfare schemes at their door steps.
- To generate awareness among the builder lobby for the right of construction migratory workers and welfare schemes.
- Develop self-help group among such workers for self care.
Project time:2015-18
About organization HELP TRUST
The HELP TRUST was founded in 2006. Some devoted and educated working people got together and decided to start some gainful activities to benefit the society’s economically backward class by providing them social and health equity of all kinds. The main aim of organization is to achieve highest social and health services for deprived communities.
Some activities were conducted in year 2010-11 that are as follow:
- Training for industrial workers about Safety and Health
- Awareness about Female feticide and ‘Beti Bachao’
- Anti tobacco day celebration
- Awareness about kitchen garden among 4 villages of Viramgam Block, Ahmedabad district
- Awareness about ante-natal check up among rural women in 8 villages of Surendranager district.
- World Breast Feeding week celebration among urban slum of city Surendranager and 6 villages of Wadhawan block, district Surendranager.
- Woman right awareness Shibir in urban areas of district Surendranager and Ahmedabad.
- Medical camp for children and women
- Distribution of education kit to poor and needy students.
- Worm compost training for needy farmers in rural areas of district Surendranager.
- Awareness about impact of climate change and human health among young students of Surendranager city.
- Iodized salt promotion Champaign in Wadhawan Block.
Along with above activities the organization is working in the field of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS for last five years. The organization field workers are observing world tuberculosis day and world AIDS day every year in community and increasing the awareness about disease. (Refer annual report of organization).
Organizational resources:
Organization has good infrastructure which can be used for project. The organization has field level staff that can help for the project. The travel and other expenses can be bared under scheme. Organisation has TV/VCD for display of various IEC.
Population of district:1767377
Migratory population (2011):123716 (if we consider 7% of population)
Methodology & Project implementation –
The project will be conducted phase manner
Phase – 1
Baseline survey to find out the actual population, mapping and their problem in local scenario (Year 2015-16) in Surendranagar
In phase -1 In the town Surendranagar, all the wards will be screened for the mapping and sociao-demographic mapping of the migratory population with identification of social, economic, health, educational and other problems. This baseline survey will be done in a year. With snow balling method of sampling and all the wards of town will be covered for the assessment.
Phase – 2
Implementation of healthy & holistic settlement for migratory population in Surendranagar (2016–18) and the feasibility assessment of the model, including use of mobile technology for tracking of the migratory population, temporary shelter with all basic care supply model with token charges, providing health, education and basic facilities with local corporation bodies, self help group development and social support to needy people.
The operational and feasibility issues will be identified and resolved over the time.
Phase -3
Evaluation and Sharing of experiences with government (2018-19)
Evaluation and outcome of the model – the outcome will be measured with the help of qualitative and quantitative study of service utilization. The various stakeholders will be interrogated for feasibility and improvement. Lastly wide dissemination of information will be done for the awareness in community and policy makers for further expansion at national level in programme.
Financial details
ActivitiesUnit costTotal
1. Baseline in-depth survey 20,00,000 1 year20,00,000
with mapping
2. Salary of various postfor 4 years 1,95,12,000
a. Programme officer(1) (@60,000*12 = 7,20,000*4= 28,80,000)
b. Finance officer (1) (@25,000*12 = 3,00,000*4 = 12,00,000)
c. Public health consultant(1) (@50,000*12= 6,00,000*3= 18,00,000)
d. Social scientist (1) (@25,000*12 = 3,00,000*4 = 12,00,000)
e. Environmental scientist (1) (@30,000*12=3,60,000*3= 10,80,000)
e. Software expert(1) (@25,000*12 = 3,00,000*2 = 6,00,000)
f. Liaison officer(1) (@25,000*12 = 3,00,000*4 = 12,00,000)
g. Field supervisor (4) (@15,000*12*4*4=28,80,000)
h. Ward level Field workers (14) (@8,000*12*4*14 =53,76,000)
i. Office assistance cum peon (2)(@5,000*12*4 = 2,40,000)
j. Honorarium to consultant and expert with travelling (10,56,000)
3. Ward-wise Model shelter home cost (14 * 15 * 1,00,000 such -one time)
4. Maintenance cost of shelter home (15,00,000/year*3) 45,00,000
5. Training and capacity building of various staff(10,00,000/year for 3 years)
6. Development & Reproduction of IEC material (5,00,000/y*3)15,00,000
7. Travel expenses(5,00,000/y*3)15,00,000
8. Publication and documentation charges 5,00,000
9. Contingency (5 years) –20,00,000