Posted: October 29th, 2022
Healthcare professionals are the key stakeholders
Healthcare professionals are the key stakeholders
Healthcare professionals are key stakeholders in policy development and evaluation. This is because they are directly involved in putting the policies into effect. As a result, healthcare professionals should not only be caregivers but also play an important role in advocacy. Nurses have a role to play and must be given the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of health policies. Healthcare professionals influence the current and future welfare of healthcare through their actions during policy formulation and evaluation. Healthcare professionals examine the policy’s content, implement the policy, and assess the policy’s impact during policy formulation. Anders (2021) asserts that nurses must be well-informed and capable of speaking authoritatively across all aspects of the health policy process in order to ensure appropriate healthcare policy. When healthcare professionals participate effectively in the policy evaluation process, they provide insights that can be used to improve the design and implementation of individual policies, thereby contributing to the health of the healthcare system. Nurses must use health policy to improve the safety and quality of healthcare. However, I would like to point out that nurses must have essential policy evaluation skills in order to determine whether or not a policy is effective. Insufficient knowledge and skills on policy evaluation, as well as insufficient knowledge on health policy formulation guidelines, are barriers to nurses’ participation in health policy making, according to Hajizadehet al. (2021). What are some of the factors that could increase nurses’ participation in policy formulation and evaluation in your facility?
R. L. Anders (2021). Nursing Forum, 56(1), 89-94. Engaging nurses in health policy in the COVID-19 era.
A. Hajizadeh, V. Zamanzadeh, E. Kakemam, R. Bahreini, and R. Khodayari-Zarnaq (2021). A systematic review of the factors influencing nurses’ participation in the health policy-making process. 20th BMC Nursing (1).