Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Health Strategy in New Zealand: External Environment Factors
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Health Strategy for New Zealand expresses the need to reduce health inequalities. Health consultants believe that coordinated action to reduce inequalities in health is needed. New Zealand Health Strategy provides a framework for health care, to improve the overall health of New Zealand, and the differences between the New Zealanders with a focus on Maori, Pacific peoples and compensate low-income New Zealanders. The proper functioning of the health strategy for New Zealand takes an approach to population health. This approach takes into account all factors that provides stimulus and how they are resolved to improve health care. There is a diverse combination of factors like age, sex and congenital factors contribute significantly to our health which are relatively unaffected. Recent advances in medical technology can do some genetic changes, but these advances relate to only a small part of the population. But there are other factors that disrupt our health and independence as we possibly loose more control.
Its effect on our health can be affected by the change of social behavior, individual lifestyle factors. For example, if we smoke, exercise, how much alcohol we drink and social influences of society. Inequalities like theses in health are important public health problems. (Jefin)
Public health care in community: As an operations management team in new age public hospital in central Auckland There is an increases in the cases influenza attended in new age public hospital in central Auckland. In my point of view there is an equal right for getting the health services from the hospitals to community areas. They have the right to receive all the health services from the health care professionals. Everyone should one get the treatment of qualitative care. All the preventive measures should be educated in the community areas. Health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment should give by all health professionals. Our hospital aspires to provide all the health services to community area people. Strongly health education is given to communities. Emergency services is to be provide in the remote areas. Efficient staff is to be increased .health promotion activities should be implemented. Health preventive measures should be guided to the public. Promotional activities will be planned and it will be implemented effectively. Some health planning programs should be implemented accurately.
Generally health determinants are occurred. Many factors occur together to affect the health of the individuals or communities whether people are healthy or not and it is determined by factors. There is a less impact on health care services. Determinants of health include includes mainly are the social and economic environment, physical environment, and the persons individual characteristics and behaviors. Mainly these things determines the people’s health. Environmental determinants which affects the health are safe water and clean air, healthy work places, safe house, communities and roads contribute the good health conditions to the people. When there is an inequalities arisen in all these factors contribute the ill effects on the people’s health. In community areas safety should be educated and implemented. In work places healthy environment should be placed otherwise there is a chance to get the inequalities of health. Health education and providing health services to the community peoples reduces the inequalities and shows the lessen effects on health. Efficient health services prevents and treat the diseases influences the health. Education plays a key role in the health. Due low education levels are effect the health. This the importance about the environmental inequalities of health. (Sirisha)
- Five external general environmental factors affecting the organization directly are as follow :
The external environment factors are those which affect the organization ability to function from outside.
If the hospital is providing good, satisfactory services, treatment then there will be increase in number of the customers but if we are providing expensive treatment for them ultimately the number will decrease.
If the government is imposing high taxes on medicines, services, packaging, shipment of medicines, product development ultimately there will be increase in cost of the treatment which leads to decrease in the number of patients.
Likewise with most of the components of your doctor’s facility’s outer surroundings, your clinic must be proficient at observing the economy and figuring out how to respond to it, instead of attempting to control it. Financial variables influence how you give administrations, medications and the amount of cash you force on specific treatment, offices, and the sort of target you will pursue.
Your rival has a critical impact on how you work together and how you address your target market. You can decide to discover markets that the opposition is not dynamic in, or you can choose to tackle the opposition straightforwardly in the same target market. The achievement and disappointment of your different rivals likewise decides a part of your showcasing arranging, too. For instance, if a long-term rival in a specific market all of a sudden chooses to drop out because of monetary misfortunes, then you will need to modify your wanting to exploit the circumstance.
Public Opinion
Any sort of company outrage can be hurtful to your association’s picture. People in general familiarity with your association can hurt deals its contrary, or it can help deals with constructive firm news. Your firm can impact popular assessment by utilizing advertising experts to discharge vital data, yet it is additionally critical to screen general feeling to attempt and defuse potential issues before they start to spread. (SURAJ)
Organizational culture
Culture of an organization will tell the personality of that organization and it is the key factor in productivity and workplace performance. All organization follows a corporate culture. The members who all are working in the organization are the main components in organizational culture and they are formulating a healthy culture for their organization .organizational culture includes its expectations, experiences, philosophy and values that they keeping from a long time. All organization follows a corporate culture but it vary from one organization to other. For example, the culture of a large profit organization is totally different than that of a hospital .Our hospital culture is totally depend on patient.
Understanding security has turned into a real need to policymakers, medicinal services suppliers and administrators. Affecting a solid patient security society is crucial for advancing this idea among human services experts and managing this idea in health awareness associations. Making patient wellbeing culture a top need is dependent on having a solid and positive patient security society. A few segments of a solid patient wellbeing society incorporate open correspondence, collaboration, and recognized shared reliance. Surveying a health awareness association’s patient wellbeing society is the first venture for adding to a solid and strong security society. Mirroring that, numerous worldwide accreditation associations now oblige tolerant security society evaluations to assess the view of health awareness staff on issues, for example, cooperation, moves made by administration and initiative to bolster and advance patient wellbeing, staffing issues, recurrence of episode reporting, and other patient security society issues. Such appraisals permit human services associations to get an unmistakable perspective of territories obliging consideration regarding reinforce their patient wellbeing culture and distinguish particular difficulties identifying with patient security inside healing facility units. An enormous piece of the answer is “society.” You can hand guardians an agenda or strengthen the significance of hand-washing, yet unless the work environment is willing to grasp the progressions needed to viably and reliably utilize it, the exertion will probably fizzle. It is the point at which you begin taking a gander at patient wellbeing through the viewpoint of society that you acknowledge how genuinely difficult this work is.
We at the Center for Innovation comprehend and have perceived how working environment demeanor encompassing wellbeing can have a significant effect on results of consideration. Security related demeanor, when measured with a legitimate, dependable device, can foresee such clinical results as clinic gained contaminations and bedsores, and additionally operational results including attendant turnover.
Society doesn’t change overnight, yet it does react to viable intercessions, and we at the Center for Innovation are talented at utilizing instruments both to gauge society and to enhance it.
Other culture that fit in our organization
Mostly the hospital are known by the care given by them to the clients. The clients are believing in the management of hospital and they are depending the hospital to cure their disease. It is the responsibility of hospital and staff that assure quality of care to the clients who depend on them. When a hospital provide better care for the patients , the patients are getting cured and there is a chance to get preference for the hospital through that the hospital can increase their economy.
Hospital leaders increasingly recognize the connection between their cultures and patient satisfaction, some medical specialists and nurses have to make a strong emotional involvement with patients and better treatment and care will create satisfaction on patients and they put some belief on them. So the health professionals should be in the path of patient centric. (Jefin)
External environment Factors are as follow:
Rise of sophisticated consumers: the clients and suppliers utilize bargaining position for organization’s price, quality and efficiency. Nowadays patient can get information easily from internet.
Accrediting bodies: like Phil health, HMO’s and International Accreditation like Joint Commission International play a big role in public accountability which ultimately increases competition in health care delivery.
Challenging evolution in healthcare delivery: change in the boundaries like surgeries done in outpatient settings, homecare, health and internet, satellite clinics and laboratories in the mall.
Technological Changes: IT and Molecular biology are utilized to improve the laboratory diagnosis and reduce the cost of treatment.
Research and Development: New tools and knowledge are generated which are helpful for healthcare consumers.
Government policy changes and regulatory influences
External Communications: The way the hospital staff member or doctors behave with the patients, treatment, services affect directly. If the services, treatment is good more customer will be there which increase the profit.
Infrastructure: If the hospital is at good location with good services there will be more interaction with the peoples and will have good profits. (SURAJ)
Power makes the world better .Power plays a vital role in the organization to get a better outcome .It develops our career and future .Normally power depending on the person and how the power is used by him ., Power has some pros and corns while in the using..Of course if we have more power we need to handle carefully. Everyone has a power. It will help us to make a right decision and solve the problem which is normally we are facing in the day to day life.. The five types of social power are following.
This is the positional power and that is given to a person based up on their position in the organization. It is given by the authority of the organization We can not afford this power simply ,by getting this power we need to increase our personal power like referent and expert power .Legitimate power is the formal authority to control and use the resources available in the organization.
In this power the employees will obey the leader in order to avoid punishments., because they believe that they are under controlled by the leader.
Expert power is influences getting from as a result of expertise. Or any special skill , or knowledge from a person .For example ,when we have the more complicated work ,we normally dependent on experts to finish our goals, as a result of their special knowledge or a skill on particular task.
In reward power the employees will comply the leader, because it produces positive benefits for them and this power encourage the employees to meet their work goals.
In this power the employees will act accordance with leader because the employees admires or agree the with the leader who has desirable resources or personal skills .For example, if the employee respect the leader ,and like him all the way. So the leader can exercise power over the employee ,because the employee need to please him.
I would like to select the legitimate power from the five source of power available in the organization why because of, the professionalism . in that the employees know who is the leader in my hospital and I can tell employees as a leader how they can reach the goals .Also I have the authority to control employees and the power to use the organizational tools based on my position in the hospital.
With my legitimate power, I can make a two main principal strategies to control the outbreak of influenza, such as therapeutic counter measures and public health interventions .In hospital according to the availability of the stock I can ordered to the staff to give some vaccines and antiviral medications to the patients who is suffering from influenza and look after their health by providing some preventive measures to protect them from the infection. And another strategies for the public is infection control , and some social separation to prevent the spreading of the infection and also offer some anti-viral treatments for who is suffering with infections.
As a leader should identify essential functions and assign responsibilities for the staff and re assign staff to support the urgent functions as needed during the time of epidemic .Ensure the list of expert staff to perform critical functions is regularly updated before the epidemic outbreak.
There are many definitions for the organizational politics butIthinkit is all about organizational power; how we can get it and; how we use it to influence the employees while implementing our own agenda.
There are some good and bad political aspects affecting our organization. The positive side of the organizational politics such as organizational flexibility, promotion of multiple perspectives, meritocracy, change of the facilities and implementation of the decision. While in use of politics we can improve the speed of influence and flexibility of our organization. Politics can help to sort out the issues in the organization. Politics can be used for improving the changes that is blocked by the normal influences and also it will help to implement the new decision. Whereas the negative political aspects affecting our organization are Inequality, discrimination and unfairness, distorted decision making, ignore interest of stake holders, inefficiency and time wasting and unequal power distribution. Political activity in our organization tends to form a groups and out groups and there is a chance to ignore the interest of the minor group. Due to political influences the decision strategy can be lessened. Some individuals or groups can play or show their maximum power in the organization due to politics while others stake holder’s power are ignored. Power corrupts once tasted there is a chance to repeat. The use of political behavior create a taste of power and some times which can lead to a one direction. Bad politics is always spend more time in extensive lobbying and making a relationships which is not necessary for the organization.
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