Posted: July 30th, 2023
Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract
Overview: Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract
For each section of the Health Self-Assessment in the document below, provide a substantial summary of your current health status. In each section’s summary, be sure to include any information regarding your health and lifestyle that might play a role in your overall wellness.
You will contract to change/improve one health behavior during this course. Your Health Risk Assessment can give you guidance on your choice, but ultimately the choice is yours.
Part of the contract requires you to evaluate your current “stage of change” according to the stages described by Zimmerman, Olsen, and Bosworth in the article, “A ‘Stages of Change’ Approach to Helping Patients Change Behavior.”
You will be tracking your progress toward the goals in your contract by completing journal entries for four weeks, then analyzing your motivation, successes, and obstacles in the final week of the course.
• Devise a personal Health Promotion contract to be used for the duration of the course.
• Discuss the Stages of Change model in relation to health behavior changes for others and self.
Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract.”
Task Accomplished Competent Needs Improvement
Health Risk Assessment
(Total 50 points) All sections include thorough and substantial summaries of your current health status, with details of your health and lifestyle that might play a role in your overall wellness (ie. “I don’t drink or smoke” is not considered a substantial explanation. If you don’t drink or smoke, include how this will help prevent certain illnesses.)
(50 points) At least 5 sections completed thoroughly, with substantial summaries and details, but not all sections completed thoroughly with substantial detail.
(35 points) At least 2 sections completed thoroughly, with substantial summaries and details, or no sections completed thoroughly.
(15 points)
Health Promotion Contract
(Total 50 points)
All 5 sections completed, including measurable goals, correct target dates, and reasonable rewards, etc…
Each item inserted in the correct field on the template (goals, dates, rewards, etc…)
(50 points)
All sections completed, but not all goals are measureable or in alignment with final goal, dates are missing or all not inserted in the template, missing some or all rewards
(35 points) Minimal sections addressed completely or correctly, or no sections addressed
Health Risk Assessment
Summarize your current health status, including any other information about your own health and lifestyle that may play a role in your overall wellness, in each section below. Summary of each section must be substantial and include details to receive credit. Please note that only your Coach and Faculty will be reading your entries. If there is any information that you do not feel comfortable sharing you do not need to include that particular information but still need to make your entry substantive as directed above.
Blood Pressure/Cholesterol/Diabetes
Food Intake/Diet
Tobacco and Alcohol
Well Being
Health Promotion Contract
Your goals should be written in SMART goal format, meaning they should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Please go to this website for more detailed information on SMART goal format: Smart Goal Format article
Identify one goal to work toward during this course, knowing that you will be journaling about your progress in your journaling assignment, four times a week for four weeks.
An example of a goal that is NOT in SMART goal format is: I will walk more often.
An example of a properly formatted SMART goal is:
I, (student name), agree to walk for 30 minutes, four times a week (goals can be daily but need to be for at least 4x per week since you will be journaling on the goal 4x a week) by 8/3/20. (The date inserted here should be the Saturday of Module 4 for your course.)
Your SMART goal:
1. I, [Name]
agree to
by [date: [Saturday of Module 4]
2. I will use the following tools to monitor my progress:
The weekly assignment Journal and (at least one other tool)-
[chart, graph, scales, etc., as appropriate for your goal]
3. To reach my final goal I have devised the following schedule of goals and
rewards [Need two mini-goals and your final goal (as written above in #1) and also list rewards for all. Be sure that your mini goals match your final goal, meaning they are in alignment with and will help you achieve your final goal. As in the example goal of walking, then both mini goals should address walking – see highlighted area below].
You should have a total of 3 goals, 3 dates, and 3 rewards in the template below.
Mini goal example:
I will walk 10 minutes twice a week
Mini goal end date: 8/1/20
Take time to get a manicure
Mini goal #1: write your specific measurable mini goal here-
Saturday, Module 2 of your course
Insert target month/day/year
Write your reward here:
Mini goal #2: write your specific measurable mini goal here-
Saturday, Module 3 of your course
Insert target month/day/year
Write your reward here:
Final Goal (exactly as written in #1 above in the SMART goal organizer,see the highlighted example below): write your specific measureable Final Goal here-
Saturday, Module 4 of your course
Insert target month/day/year
Write your reward here:
Example of how your Final Goal should be written/formatted in the Final Goal box above:
I, (student name), agree to walk for 30 minutes, four times a week (goals can be daily but need to be for at least 4x per week since you will be journaling on the goal 4x a week) by 8/3/20. (The date inserted here should be the Saturday of Module 4 for your course.)
4. I am currently in the _______________________ Stage of Change (Must be a stage of change from the six stages of change in the article read this week) because:
[Concisely, but with substance, discuss why you think you are in this stage]
5. ____________________________________________ ______________
[Your MyMavs email address indicates your signature] [Date]
Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract
In this Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract, we aim to evaluate and improve one’s health behavior during the course. Each section of the Health Self-Assessment will be thoroughly summarized, encompassing pertinent details about the individual’s current health status and lifestyle factors that may influence overall wellness. The individual will then devise a personal Health Promotion contract to guide them throughout the course and set measurable goals to work toward. Furthermore, we will discuss the Stages of Change model in relation to health behavior changes for both the individual and others.
Health Risk Assessment:
Blood Pressure/Cholesterol/Diabetes: A comprehensive summary of the individual’s current health status in terms of blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes risk factors will be provided. Any lifestyle factors, such as dietary choices and physical activity, that may impact these health indicators will also be discussed.
Weight/BMI: This section will focus on the individual’s weight and Body Mass Index (BMI). A thorough evaluation of their current weight status, potential risks associated with weight, and lifestyle factors contributing to weight management will be included.
Food Intake/Diet: A detailed account of the individual’s dietary habits will be presented, highlighting any nutritional strengths or weaknesses. The influence of diet on overall health and well-being will be explored.
Tobacco and Alcohol: This section will delve into the individual’s tobacco and alcohol consumption, if applicable. The impact of these behaviors on health, along with potential risks, will be addressed.
Well Being: An assessment of the individual’s overall well-being and mental health will be conducted, taking into account factors such as stress levels, coping mechanisms, and emotional state.
Activity/Exercise: The individual’s current level of physical activity and exercise routine will be assessed. The connection between physical activity and overall health will be explored.
Health Promotion Contract:
In developing the Health Promotion contract, the individual will formulate SMART goals. Each goal will be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For instance, instead of a non-specific goal like “I will walk more often,” a SMART goal will be structured as follows:
“I, [Name], agree to walk for 30 minutes, four times a week, by [date: [Saturday of Module 4].”
The contract will include the following components:
SMART Goal: The individual will outline their specific health goal in SMART format, clearly defining the desired outcome and action plan.
Tools for Progress Monitoring: The individual will identify the tools they will use to track their progress, such as the weekly assignment journal and other appropriate metrics like charts or graphs.
Mini-Goals and Rewards: Two mini-goals will be established, leading up to the final goal. Each mini-goal will be in alignment with the final goal and will contribute to its achievement. Furthermore, rewards will be assigned for all three goals to motivate progress.
Stages of Change Model:
The Stages of Change model proposed by Zimmerman, Olsen, and Bosworth will be examined in relation to health behavior changes. The individual will assess their current stage of change according to this model and provide a concise but substantive explanation for why they believe they are in this particular stage.
This Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract aim to empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices. By setting SMART goals and understanding the Stages of Change model, individuals can embark on a journey of self-improvement and overall wellness.
Zimmerman, G. L., Olsen, C. G., & Bosworth, M. F. (2000). A ‘Stages of Change’ approach to helping patients change behavior. American Family Physician, 61(5), 1409-1416.
Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2019). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57(9), 705-717.
Prochaska, J. O., & DiClemente, C. C. (1983). Stages and processes of self-change of smoking: Toward an integrative model of change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51(3), 390-395.
Michie, S., Ashford, S., Sniehotta, F. F., Dombrowski, S. U., Bishop, A., & French, D. P. (2011). A refined taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to help people change their physical activity and healthy eating behaviours: The CALO-RE taxonomy. Psychology & Health, 26(11), 1479-1498.