Posted: November 28th, 2022
Health economic issue: Malpractice insurance cost
Health economic issue: Malpractice insurance cost
You may choose to write about an issue in health economics that interests you. This is your opportunity to investigate an issue in health economics covered or not covered in class or to extend a topic that was. The issue should be narrow enough, so that you can cover it extensively in a paper of approximately 8-10 pages (not including cover page, abstract, tables, and references; double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1″ margins). Paper must be written in accordance with scientific research procedures and in accordance with the APA Style Manual, 6th edition (APA Purdue OWL). Please double check your paper topic with the Professor before doing in-depth research to make sure the issue is appropriate for the course and focused enough. The intent of the paper is to encourage you to apply economic analysis to a real health care market problem or question. The paper should contain an introduction, a description of the issue, background/literature review, some basic facts and statistics that add to the discussion, conclusion, and references. The conclusion should sum up the paper’s findings and draw conclusions about policy recommendations or insights into potential solutions to the health economic problem or issue at hand. You should reference between 5-7 sources total from: academic journals (3 or more sources), newspapers, magazines, or reliable web sources.
Paper Format The paper could include the following sections:
1. Introduction: State the problem and why it is socially important. Here you may want to cite some statistics or refer to public opinion to establish the significance of the issue. For example, you may want to note the social cost of the problem, or the number of people affected by the
the problem. (1/2 — 1 page) 2. Background: Describe past, current and proposed public policies to address issue (there may only be proposed if it is a new area of government intervention, or you may propose a policy). Discuss the stated or intended goals of these policies and describe the program details. (3 pages) 3. Health Economic Analysis: Review the relevant health economic theory that relates to the behaviors or outcomes being studied. For example, if you were analyzing the effect of tax credits on health insurance, you would review the theory of the demand for health insurance. Use the theory to analyze the likelihood that the policy will achieve its intended goals and to discuss whether there will be any unintended effects. Also use the theory to propose alternative policies. This section is the main part of the paper. (3-4 pages) 4. Conclusions: Summarize your analytical findings as to the likely success of the policy and whether alternative policies would be preferred. Draw conclusions about policy prescriptions or insights into potential sources of an economic problem or issue. Discuss the political support for the policy with reference to the “winners” and losers” that the policy creates. (1 page)