Posted: December 16th, 2022
Health and human science 430 class
Application Assignment #1: Systems Reflection
Part A.
(1) Briefly explain how health care can be described as a “system” by explaining how a system works.
(2) Next, think of a system (preferably a healthcare system) that fits this description, which has affected you or someone you know. Describe the system and the impact of it. In other words, focus your writing on describing specific elements of a health care system by explaining it regarding the description provided by the text and how this affected you or someone you know.
Part B.
Look through the key terms within chapter one of your text and choose three that you identify have significantly affected your life or the lives of your close relationships.
(1) Describe each term
(2) Specify how each has affected you or a close relationship.
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Additional Directions: Single space your writing and use 12-point font. You can leave my directions in or you can delete them; it is up to you. Do not bold your font please (or -1 point). Recommended word count per section is 250 words (which is approximately two paragraphs). Total for entire reflection should be at least 500 words. I recommend citing your text, but this is not required. If you correctly cite your text (Author, year) throughout your entire reflection you will earn up to two extra credit points. Tip: Avoid using quotes or limit it to two or less short quotes.