Posted: November 28th, 2022
Healing Verses Curing
Healing Verses Curing
Healing can occur in absence of curing. Basically, healing may occur with or without any malady. While curing is all about science, healing is all about people and their attitudes towards various infections (Jones, 2001). When people live with a sense of fulfillment, happiness, love and satisfaction, they promote their health regardless of sickness. Most often, healing takes away the cause of ailments since good health originates from physical, spiritual, mental and emotional stability of individuals which if not taken care of leads to ailments. In case a person has already ailed, healing ensure the body gets back to better than it was before ailing. However, curing is all about discovering any malfunctioning within the body and applying medical techniques to repair the injuries (Moore, & Komras, 2003).
In my nursing practices, most PLWH patients are healing or have healed from various traumas of the disease and are living a good life not because they are cured but because they have accepted their situations. Therefore it is clear to me that healing can occur in absence of cure. In order to regain our health from ailments, it is vital to consider four modalities of health which are spiritual, physical, mental and emotional stabilities. In my nursing practice, the majority of PLWH patients are healing or have healed from the disease’s various traumas and are living a good life not because they are cured, but because they have accepted their circumstances. As a result, it is obvious to me that healing can occur in the absence of cure. To recover our health from ailments, we must consider four modalities of health: spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional stability.
Considering the mental modality, this is all to do with beliefs, attitude and value. Having a proper perspective of what you are undergoing brings you healing (Moyers, In Flowers, & In Grubin, 2003). It is wise to clearly comprehend what you are going through and face it with positivity and realistic attitude. Fantasies of the repercussions of the current sufferings bring confusions and may block a person from keeping focus in the moment as well as deter ones wisdom to provide for daily living. Mental healing keeps people focused on current events and provide the wisdom required for daily survival. Often in my nursing practice, most patients suffering from cancer suffer mentally and if the trend continues, healing is delayed therefore long sufferings.
Jones, G. (2001). The healing. Boston: Beacon Press.
Moore, N., & Komras, H. (2003). Patient-focused healing: Integrating caring and curing in health care. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Moyers, B. D., In Flowers, B. S., & In Grubin, D. (2003). Healing and the mind.