Posted: April 13th, 2023
Historical Event Analysis (HEA): The student will be responsible for choosing an event in American History from the list provided and create an argument on its significance using historical evidence of at least one primary source and one secondary source. The student will also analyze and interpret the primary and secondary sources by explaining how the material impacted the chosen event. The list of historical events, and the link to submit your HEA, can be found under the “HEA” module under “Coursework.” HEAs should be at least 500 words (See breakdown below), and will be graded based on the following criteria:
1) Summary and significance- In at least 250 words give me a brief summary of your event and its significance (50%).
2) Primary Source- List one primary source for your event. A primary source is a document or object that was created during your event’s time era (Eye-witness/first-hand account). Examples of primary sources are: newspaper articles from that time era, interviews or diary entries from people who experienced or witnessed your chosen event. In at least 125 words explain how this source impacted your chosen event (25%).
3) Secondary Source- List one secondary source for your event. A secondary source is an analysis of a primary source, typically written/created after the event has occurred by people who were not involved in the event you chose (Second-hand account). Examples of secondary sources are: textbooks, commentaries someone’s original work. In at least 125 words explain how this source impacted your chosen event (25%)?