Posted: September 5th, 2023
Having a Health Technology Research department is important to steer the technological functions
Having a Health Technology Research department is important to steer the technological functions within any big hospital as well as provide a collective system in which data can be managed. Medical students doing research will be able to use the system to successfully research and frame their proposals when it comes to health-related lT matters and then publish the proper documentation to benefit organizations. ln a context-specific theoretical framework it may be possible to explain the perception of technology in hospitals by Saudi patients. Within this era of globalization, it is necessary that an lT department be mandatory since current technology has seen rise to better methods of patient care. The goals of the lnformation Technology in Health department within the next five years, will be discussed below in order to show how income can be generated from such a project and how others may develop the section due to its importance in society.
Within a five year plan the implemented department should be able to extend the form of treatment services to advance surgery, communication and record keeping. 3D surgery will enable surgeons to perform the most intricate operations such as brain surgery. Other technological devices will be used to help a patient recover memory through exercises that may trigger these memories in case they had a brain injury. Applications that give patients counselling to patients may be available as well where the patient will talk to a programmed bot that collects the patient’s data, analyses it and gives preferred recommendations of diagnosis, prescription or counselling advice. The records of these patients will then be stored in a much simpler method which will provide ease in retrieval when needed. lt is not wise for any hospital within the Kingdom of Saudi to neglect such proficient means of service.
ln terms of generating income, these technological advancements within the lT department may be used to offer training to students as well as act as an additional service to outsiders who can pay for the services. An example would be to make an agreement with biggest university to help them in research and get income from them. The partnering universities could use the lT section to better their understanding of various technological changes and how to practically use the knowledge. Various hospitals could be charged a particular amount if they would like to be customers to the services. Since not every hospital will be able to afford their own advanced lT department, then they could pay monthly, or annual fees to use the systems in place. On the plus side, the more people use the lT section, the more the system gains more data that makes it more intelligent.
The development of the section will be open to anyone who participates whether they are internal workers or outsiders. Artificial lntelligence systems only become more advanced basing on the information they are fed.
The Technical Database Core Facility (TDBCF) develops and maintains database applications to support research activities and related projects. 100% 100%
The Technical Database Core Facility (TDBCF) develops and maintains database applications to support research activities and related projects. This is a system that will help all departments through data organization and manipulation.
The TDBCF Section collaborates extensively with various departments in the hospital as well as other individuals in Saudi and abroad to determine which applications are best for certain tasks. 43%
The TDBCF Section collaborates extensively with various departments in the hospital as well as other individuals in Saudi and abroad to determine which applications are best for certain tasks.
The research projects are related to development and application of technology in health field and computational techniques to better understand human diseases and the mechanisms underlying them. 64%
The research projects are related to development and application of technology in health field and computational techniques to better understand human diseases and the mechanisms underlying them. Such a step will be a good choice for any hospital to make as it propels the services towards a more advanced method of serving its patients.
This department will be of importance since it provides solutions for a hospital to be in line with the Saudi Vision 2030.
The vision which was created by Crown Prince bin Salman states that, “The plan emphasizes the need to make efficient use of healthcare facilities and ensure that quality healthcare, including preventive services, is available to the population” ( Alharbi, 2018, p.45).;year=2018;volume=6;issue=2;spage=45;epage=51;aulast=Alharbi 52%
The vision which was created by Crown Prince bin Salman states that, “The plan emphasizes the need to make efficient use of healthcare facilities and ensure that quality healthcare, including preventive services, is available to the population” ( Alharbi, 2018, p.45). Therefore, the organisation will be providing technical consultancy and data to clinicians, scientists, residents, fellows and the administration. This Section will also offer technology training courses and practical training sessions through the use of computer software packages to improve the health technology knowledge. ln such a stance, the hospital will be introducing quality healthcare which is efficient and in such a case, the hospital will be in line with the 2030 vision. ln conclusion, an lT Section within a hospital may help the hospital to contribute to society while at the same time boosting the profit levels. The aims of such a section will be to provide the best medical care as per expectations of the Kingdom, having the best interests of the customers at heart. lt is important that lT Sections be given top priority since Artificial lntelligence is the best method to guarantee top notch service during this era of technology.