Posted: September 5th, 2023
HA2032 Unit Title Corporate and Financial Accounting Assessmen
Unit Title Corporate and Financial Accounting
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
Assessment Title The different sources a company can use to raise its funds and different classifications of entities for reporting purposes.
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO
Mapping) This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on the different sources a company can use to raise its funds. Students will perform a comparative analysis of sources of fund used by two selected companies for a three years period. They will identify the movement in the sources of fund used by the two companies. Students will also need to demonstrate a clear understanding of different classifications of entities for reporting purposes.
(ULO 1, 2, 3, 4).
Weight 20 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 20
Word limit 2500 words ±500 words
Due Date Assignment submission: Final Submission of individual Assignment: 11:59 pm Friday, Week 10 Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by the lecturer prior to the assessment deadline.
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
and Financial Accounting Individual Assignment T2 2019
Assignment Specifications Purpose:
This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on the different sources a company can use to raise its funds. Students will perform a comparative analysis of sources of fund used by two selected companies for a three years period. They will identify the movement in the sources of fund used by the two companies. Students will also need to demonstrate a clear understanding of different classifications of entities for reporting purposes.
Assessment task:
Part A
Select the latest annual report of two ASX listed companies for the last three years period. Please read the balance sheet carefully and complete the following tasks:
(i) What items have been recorded under owners’ equity section? Clearly explain your understanding of each item recorded under the owner equity section.
(ii) Explain the movement in each item recorded under the owner equity section with the reason
(iii) What items have been recorded under liabilities section? Clearly explain your understanding of each item.
(iv) Explain the movement in each item recorded under liabilities section with reason.
(v) Briefly explain the relative advantages or disadvantages of each sources of fund each of your selected companies is using.
Part B
Do your own research and critically examine the concepts of small proprietary company, large proprietary company and reporting entity. What are the implications of being classified as either one of these three types of companies in terms of compliance and reporting requirements?
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Abstract – One paragraph
List of Content
Body of the assignment with detailed answer on each of the required tasks
List of references
Marking criteria
Marking criteria Weighting
Abstract 1%
List of content & overall presentation of the assignment 1%
Introduction 1%
What items have been recorded under owners’ equity section? Clearly explain your understanding of each item recorded under the owner equity section. 2%
Explain the movement over the three years period in each item recorded under the owner equity section with the reason. 1%
What items have been recorded under liabilities section? Clearly explain your understanding of each item. 2%
Explain the movement over the three years period in each item recorded under liabilities section with reason. 1%
Briefly explain the relative advantages or disadvantages of each sources of fund each of your selected companies is using. 2%
Do your own research and critically examine the concepts of small proprietary company, large proprietary company and reporting entity. What are the implications of being classified as either one of these three types of companies in terms of compliance and reporting requirements? 7%
Conclusion 1%
References 1%
TOTAL Weight 20%
Marking Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
What items have been recorded under owners’
equity section?
Clearly explain your understanding of
each item recorded under the owner equity section. The items recorded under the equity
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates an excellent
understanding of each item
recorded under the equity section. The items recorded under the equity
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates a good
understanding of each item
recorded under the equity section. The items recorded under the equity
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of each item
recorded under the equity section. The items recorded
under the
equity section
have been correctly
Does not demonstrate a basic
of each item recorded
under the equity section. The items recorded
under the
equity section
have not been correctly
Does not demonstrate a basic
of each item recorded
under the equity section.
Explain the movement over the
three years period in each item
recorded under the owner equity
section with the reason for the movement. Has clearly identified the movement in
each items listed
under owner
equity with detailed
explanation of the reason for
the movement
Has identified the movement in
each item listed
under owner equity. The
reason for the
movement has
been explained
with minor scope for improvement Has identified the movement in each item listed under
owner equity.
Has provided a very basic
explanation of the reason for
movement in the items
recorded under equity Has identified the movement in each item listed under
owner equity.
Could not explain the
reasons for
the movement
in each item recorded
under the owner equity Has not identified the movement in each item
listed under
owner equity.
Has not explained the reasons for
the movement
in each item recorded
under the owner equity
What items have been recorded
under liabilities
section? Clearly explain your
understanding of each item. The items recorded under the liability
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates an excellent
understanding of each item
recorded under the section. The items recorded under the liability
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates a good
understanding of each item
recorded under the liability section. The items recorded under the liability
section have
been correctly identified.
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of each item
recorded under the liability section. The items recorded
under the
liability section have been correctly
Does not demonstrate a basic
of each item recorded
under the liability section. The items recorded
under the
liability section
have not been correctly
Does not demonstrate a basic
of each item recorded
under the liability section.
Explain the movement over the
three years period in each item recorded under Demonstrate a
understanding of
the movements over the last three years of all The movements over the last
three years of all items recorded
under liabilities have been The
over the last
three years of all items recorded under Has attempted to discuss the movements
over the last
three years of all items Has attempted to discuss the movements
over the last
three years of all items
liabilities section with reason. items recorded
under liabilities
with reasons for the movements. discussed with
reasons for the
movement. There are minor errors or minor scopes
for improvement
in the
discussions. Has
missed a few trends or changes. liabilities have
been discussed
with reasons for the movement.
There are major errors or major scopes for
improvement in
the discussions.
Has missed many trends or changes. recorded
liabilities. Has missed many trends or
changes. Most parts of the
discussions are inaccurate recorded
liabilities. Has missed many trends or
changes. Most parts of the
discussions are inaccurate
Briefly explain the relative advantages or disadvantages of each sources of
fund each of your
selected companies is using. The advantages and
disadvantages of each of the internal sources of fund and external sources of funds used by the company have been identified and explained clearly. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the
internal sources of fund and
external sources of funds used by
the company have been
explained with
minor errors or
with minor scope for improvement. The advantages and
of each of the
internal sources of fund and
external sources of funds used by
the company have been
explained with
major errors or with major scopes for improvement. The advantages and
of each of the internal
sources of fund and external
sources of
funds used by the company
have not been explained. Did not show a reasonable attempt to
explain the
advantages and
disadvantages of the internal sources of fund and external
sources of
funds used by the company
Do your own research and
critically examine the concepts of
small proprietary
company, large proprietary
company and reporting entity.
What are the implications of
being classified as
either one of these three types of
companies in terms
of compliance and reporting
The three concepts have been explained in detail. The implications of being classified as either one of these three types of companies have been explained in detail in terms of compliance with accounting standards, reporting and disclosures requirement, and auditing. The three concepts have
been explained.
The implications of being classified as either one of
these three types of companies have been
explained in terms of
compliance with accounting standards,
reporting and
requirement, and
auditing. Minor scope for
improvement remains. The three concepts have
been explained.
The implications of being
classified as
either one of
these three types of
companies have
been explained in terms of
compliance with accounting standards,
reporting and disclosures
requirement, and auditing.
Major flaws or scope for
improvement remain. The three concepts have been
explained. Has provided a
very basic or limited
discussion on the
implications of being
classified as
either one of
these three types of
companies in terms of
compliance with
accounting standards,
reporting and disclosures
requirement, and auditing. The three concepts have not been
correctly. Has not explained the
implications of being
classified as
either one of
these three types of
companies in terms of
compliance with
accounting standards,
reporting and disclosures
requirement, and auditing.