Posted: July 20th, 2022
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment
Overall Introduction: In this section, I will present my overall health assessment using Gordon’s functional health patterns. My stress is then presented as a focused assessment. This part of the assessment assists me in determining the level of stress, whereas the internet source assists me in learning more about the causes, effects of stress on normal health status, and methods to reduce or manage stress. Finally, my essay on health promotion is presented at the end.
Part 1: Self-Evaluation and Plan
Pattern of Functional Health (Gordon)
22 years old
Female gender
Student is my occupation.
Single marital status
Bachelor’s degree in nursing (ongoing)
Patterns of health perception and management:
Previous medical history: There is no history of any chronic illness.
Current situation: Stress from studying and homesickness
Tuberculosis, all three doses of Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus, polio, measles, BCG, hepatitis, and Rubella vaccines were all administered.
There is no habit of consuming alcohol, smoking or chewing tobacco, or using other injectable drugs.
Pattern of nutrition-metabolism:
Excellent appetite
Food intake: 2-3 times per day, plus numerous snacks
There are no food allergies.
Fluid intake: 3-4 liters of water per day No problems eating or swallowing Vitals (at the time of doing assignment)
Temperature: 36.8 degrees Celsius
74 beats per minute.
78 breaths per minute
110/60 mm Hg blood pressure
162 cm in height
60 kg in weight
However, I am occasionally disturbed by stress.
Pattern of elimination
Bowel: regular bowel movements at least once daily Bladder: normal menstrual cycle with no bladder or urination problems
Pattern of Activity-Exercise
There is no planned routine for a regular exercise regimen.
Depends on mood and only on leisure time, but this is uncommon.
Patterns of sleep and rest
In most cases, there is no problem with insomnia.
Have a sleeping pattern of 5-6 hours.
Never use sleeping pills or sedatives to sleep. However, when I am stressed, I suffer from insomnia.
Perceptual-cognitive patterns
Adequate sensory and auditory acuity
No learning difficulties Good memory Oriented
Patterns of self-perception and self-concept
I am gentle, helpful, and caring.
Respect others’ feelings by having positive attitudes toward them.
But there are times when I feel as if no one cares.
Roles and patterns of relationships
Family life: Recently, I have been living as a family with my friends. As a daughter and sister, I am responsible to my parents. I can deal with family problems and maintain good relationships with all family members.
Student life: As a student, I am responsible for my studies. As is the case with the majority of international students, I must deal with a variety of challenges such as stress, anxiety, and a heavy workload.
Pattern of Coping-Stress Tolerance
I am stressed by my new environment, new face, new rules, and new study patterns. I always listen to music, look at pictures/photos on my phone, and talk to my close friends and family. If the stress is unbearable and uncontrollable, I cry silently and let the stress out with tears, feeling relieved afterwards.
Pattern of Values-Beliefs
Religious and cultural beliefs
Set the goal of becoming a qualified and dedicated Licensed Practical Nurse
Punctuality, obedience, and hard work
Never give up, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward.
Part B: Focused Evaluation
While performing a self-health assessment, I discovered some issues with my behavior that were primarily caused by stress from a new environment, new location, new rules and regulations. Other sources of stress include my studies and the distance between me and my family. In this focused assessment, I am assessing the level of stress.
I use the internet to learn more about my stress level. I used the “life change index scale/The Stress Test” developed by Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahel to assess my stress level. There are three rows in this stress test: event, impact score, and my score. As the number of events increases, so does the score. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood of becoming ill, and the lower the likelihood of resuming normal health.
Score of Influence
My Mark
Spouse’s death
Marriage Dissolution
Term in Prison
Death of a close relative
Injury or illness to oneself
Workplace dismissal
Reconciliation in marriage
Changes in a family member’s health
Problems with sex
The addition of a new family member
Business reorganization
Financial situation has changed.
A close friend has died.
Switch to a different line of work
Change in the number of squabbles with spouse
Mortgage of more than $20,000
Mortgage or loan foreclosure
Workplace responsibilities have shifted.
Son or daughter departing from home
Problems with in-laws
Outstanding individual achievement
spouse starts or stops working
Start or finish school
Alteration in living conditions
Personal habit revisions
Problems with the boss
Changes in working hours or working conditions
Residence transfer
School Transformation
Recreational activities must evolve.
alterations in church activities
Alteration in social activities
Loan or mortgage for less than $20,000
Sleeping habits have shifted.
Change in the number of family gatherings
Alteration in eating habits
Christmas is quickly approaching.
Minor legal infraction
Units of change in life
300+% Chance of Illness in the Near Future
approximately 80%
approximately 50%
fewer than 150
approximately 30%
According to the score interpretation presented in the table above, my level of score is 100, which is less than 150, indicating that I am at a lower risk of illness in the near future. In this way, Homes and Rahes’ stress life change index scale assists me in assessing my stress level and assisting me in reducing stress and promoting my health.
T. H. Holmes and R. H. Rahe (1967). The rating scale for social readjustment. 11(2), pp. 213-218 in Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
Obtainable at
Internet Resources (Part 3)
During my individual self-assessment, I discovered that stress is the primary cause of my poor health and daily activities. To reduce my stress, I chose two internet sources to promote my own health. According to the source, stress is defined as the physical reaction to various events in our lives in our daily lives. Both sources provide brief information about stress, its causes, management, and techniques for relieving or coping with stress. “Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset balance in some ways,” according to I also learned from the source that stress has both benefits and drawbacks. These both explained stress and primarily focused on various stress management strategies such as the 4As-Avoid unnecessary stress, Alter the situation, Adapt the streesor, and Accept that things cannot be changed. Similarly, the article prepared by the University of South Australia has been presented with additional information about stress management. This source focuses on various stress management strategies based on our body, mind, thinking, and behavior.
Because both sources include the author’s name, date of publication, and additional information, I believe they are reliable and trustworthy. Both sources were useful and informative in dealing with stress.
Monday’s references: Managing Stress (2013). (accessed April 22, 2013).
Smith, M., Segal, R., Segal, J. (2013). (2013). Stress Symptoms, signs and causes. Retrieved s signs.htm
Part 4. Health Promotion Essay
Health is considered to be the precious wealth of an individual. It is an important aspect of our life. According to the definition provided by World Health Organization, “Health promotion is the process of enabling people either individually or in group like community to increase control over, and to improve their health” as cited by Selekman,( 2006). ( 2006). Health is affected by various factors so that to promote the health a teamwork is required between health personal, community and other different sectors. Being a health person, Nurses play vital role for accessing the health of patients, identify their health needs and encourage them to promote their health in an effective way. This essay explains about the problems in student nurses health and the programs to promote their health. can help you!
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Nurses are the key persons to promote the health. They are well experienced either with the knowledge they gain or exposing with the patient of different health condition. According to Dempsey(2009), “ Health promotion model is important for an individual to promote their health”. . According to Mary,Sally and Kathleen (2011) , the student nurse are known as the main person to identify health issues where low school performance and change in health status are found more common ,as cited by American Academy of Pediatrics Council on School Health (2008). (2008). This explains that the students are found to be more stressed which causes great changes in academic achievement and also their health status will detoriate. The student nurse may face problem like difficulty in identifying the problem in their clinical placement , sometimes hard even to understand the medical term. As per Fethiye and Fatos(2009),there are numerous factors that causes negative influence on decision making and nursing practices such as individual variables such as personal character traits and value , lack of knowledge and sensitivity about ethics and patients rights ,limited autonomy and unsatisfactory working .
There are different approaches to health promotion and different health promotion model are in use. Health promotion model include characteristics models to promote environment where healthy decisions can be made about attaining high standard lifestyles reducing. According to Jennifer , fran and janat (2013) explain that the health-promoting behaviors of nursing students might be the key factor for their academic success and also facilitate them for post graduate practices . the health promotion behavior includes change in lifestyle , adjustment with new environment of study as well as hospital and development o, lifestyle, beliefs and thoughts, motivation health and promoting behavior. Practicing nurse can use these health f strength to cope with various people. According to Chambers and Thompson(2009), “empowerment is the other main focus on health promotion and participate” The student nurses should be encouraged to promote their health, change their behavior and also motivate them in changing their lifestyle and behavior and also reduce stress by avoiding , adapting the stressor and accepting the changes .
At conclusion, there are many factors that cause stress in the student life of the nurses which causes problem in their health. There are many reasons to promote health. Encouragement helps nursing student to promote their health by brining change in their lifestyle
Overall conclusion
I have done my own self assessment with stress as a focused assessment. I found stress as a main factor that chauses change in my normal health status. Finally the essay on health promotion is presented at list of references the end of the assignment.
List of References : sBaisch, M. J., Lundeen, S. P., & Murphy, M. (2011). (2011). Evidence-Based Research on the Value of School Nurses in an Urban School System. Journal Of School Health, 81(2), 74-80. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2010.00563.x
Retrieved from
Bektas, M., & Ozturk, C. (2008). (2008). Effect of health promotion education on presence of positive health behaviors, level of anxiety and self-concept: Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 36(5), 681-690. doi:10.2224/sbp.2008.36.5.681