Posted: September 5th, 2023
Getting casual at work
Title: Acquiring CASUAL AT WORK
1. Abstract
This paper seeks to set up the effects and deductions of acquiring insouciant within the work environment of Bank of America. The Bank of America being the largest bank ( by assets ) , it is known for its high degrees of professionalism and its workers ‘ formal frock codification. This paper will therefore discourse the bank ‘s service bringing to its clients while at the same clip foregrounding the facets of effects of possible causal attacks that may be employed by the bank employees in dispatching their responsibilities. This treatment will be done consistently with particular accent on different subdivisions that will consist of a tabular array of content, debut, literature reappraisal, method of analysis, consequences of analysis, the decisions and recommendations made, a list of the mentions used in the aggregation of the information and eventually a list appendices demoing the extra stuff used in this treatment.
2. Introduction
The Bank of America Corporation is based in Charlotte which is in North Carolina, it is considered to be one of the largest fiscal establishments that offer fiscal services, it is besides considered to be the largest bank in the assets class ( it ahs the highest plus value ) .The bank is besides the largest commercial bank by sedimentations. It is besides ranked as the 2nd largest bank on the footing of market capitalisation in the United States. The bank ( company ) is known to keep about 12.2 % of the entire U.S sedimentations. It besides holds the figure one place of subventioning the planetary high output debt, it is considered to be the 3rd largest investment banker of planetary equity. The Bank plays a really of import and critical function as an advisor to the planetary amalgamations and acquisition ( it is hence placed at the 9th place as an advisor on planetary amalgamations and acquisitions.
The entire Numberss of clients served by the Bank of America originate from more than 150 states from across the universe. It has the highest per centum of relation with the U.S Fortune 500 companies ( this per centum stands at 99 % ) .Its relation with the luck Global 500 bases at 83 % ( of these companies ) .The bank is a really of import constituent of the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( DJIA ) and besides an influential member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) .The bank demonstrated its ability to endure the 2007 recognition crisis and emerged as the healthiest fiscal establishment during that period. It subsequently plunged in market value after incurring heavy losingss as a consequence of buying the Merrill Lynch. The 2009 first one-fourth net incomes were valued at 4.2 billion with 3.7 billion holding originated from the Merrill Lynch.
Professional frock.
Before prosecuting in an enlightening treatment on the possible impacts of insouciant dressing at the work topographic point or any other associated facets of insouciant attitude in the work environment, it is of import to understand the construct of professional dressing and its significance in the professional universe of concern. Professional dressing has a batch of significance particularly in the Financial sector ( which the Bank of America is portion of ) .There is great significance that is attached to the colour of the professional frock, this is mostly due to the different significances expressed by the different type of colours.For illustration, deep and dark colourss are associated with wealth.Nuetral and the basic colourss are most appropriate for concern garb. In the Bank of America most senior directors frock in Dark colored suits which is a symbol of authorization, the dark colourss besides symbolize power.
Blue is a colour that conveys self-respect. Green has been labeled as a really inappropriate colour for a male suit ; this is because it is a common colour for many hotel uniforms has can non populate up to the position demanded by the professional universe. Gray is a common colour that represents success and trustiness. The female employees have realized that the black colour is an of import and is able to complement many of their professional frocks. They hence need to take their apparels carefully based on solid colourss that can easy intermix with every bit many colourss as possible. Female employees can ever soften the basic colourss for their professional frocks like brown and black by adding gem tones, these normally demonstrates their assurance and energy, which is much needed by clients they serve in the professional environment of Bank of America.
The corporate and professional criterions must be respected during the choice of the Professional frocks ; the colour of these frocks is a cardinal factor to doing a good a choice. The type of cloth is besides a factor in the choice procedure merely because it is symbolic ( For illustration the natural fibres like linen, wool, cotton and silk are a symbol of position. The most preferable type of cloth for both male and female employees in the Bank include 100 % pure wool. It is the most appropriate cloth for the professional frocks, followed by cotton. The likes of suede, leather, velvet and satin are cloths that are inappropriate for professional frocks. There have been different readings for the significance of professional dressing in America ( different provinces have their readings, for illustration the Texas and some Western provinces believe that a concern adult male can have on polished cowpuncher boots and their concern suits and remain professional ) .Florida and California has a more insouciant dressing standard compared to New York.
There are States that have remained really conservative with their dressing manner ( intending they tend to dress professionally more frequently than non ) these provinces include D.C, Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago ) .It is common cognition that professional dressing has its of import significance, in the sense that it builds assurance of the employees and besides helps to construct a professional environment within the Bank environment which is a asset to the image of the Bank of America. It necessary that the clients or the Bank clients invariably feel that they are covering with professionals who will at all tomes give them professional advice to assist them protect the investings and besides give them sound fiscal advice.
It is interesting that professional dressing helps to construct this environment. A good professional image for the male employees within the bank is to guarantee that they wear good quality suits that are solid and have dark colourss. These suits should be complimented with good quality ties. They need to keep a conservative manner of dressing, merely because Bank of America as explained in this debut is an international bank and has clients all over the universe and hence employees within the American Branch have a high potency of functioning clients from all over the universe and must stay professional if they are to manage such clients who invariably need confidence that the bank is professional and has safely kept their sedimentations.
Casual dressing at work
The major possible causes of the emerging tendency of the insouciant dressing tendency in the fiscal sector with specific involvement in the Bank of America include ; the demand to return to a province of elegance as a new attack of showing professionalism and decelerate but progressive alteration from the formal frock codification. This paper will therefore will turn to the history or beginning of the insouciant dressing and its possible effects within the Bank of America. Some of the insouciant dressing tendencies besides adopted by other banking establishments or concerns include the insouciant Fridays and the dress-down yearss.
3. LITERATURE REVIEWBackground/history