Posted: May 1st, 2022
Distribution Date: April 15th, 2022
Due Date: April 21st, 2022 before 12:00 pm (noon) Central Time
Hand-In: Take Home Exam Dropbox in UMLearn
NOTE: Exams submitted through email will not be graded
Instructions for submission:
• Total point value for this exam is 100 marks.
• All responses should be provided in a single document that is double-spaced, Times Roman font and 12-pt.
• The exam must be type-written; hand-written portions (including photos) will not be graded.
• Please answer all questions fully with complete sentences; failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 for that part of the exam.
• Include a title page with a title, as well as your name and student number.
• All figures and tables should be numbered in sequential order with a clear and concise caption that explains the information. As well, any figure and table must be referenced in the text of the exam. Figures captions should be below the figure; table captions above the tables.
• The exam should be written as a report, rather than an assignment.
For any inferential statistics, you must use the p-value method and not the classical method to answer the question. Failure will result in a grade of 0 for that question. In your answers make sure to include a discussion of the assumptions, including if these assumptions are met and how they are met.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and I highly encourage you to submit your own work. If I suspect any form of academic dishonesty for any of these questions, you will get an automatic 0 on this exam.
If you have any questions about the verbiage in this take home related to the question, please contact me with your questions. However, I will not be able to address any questions related to the research methods or define terms used in class. I will not be able to answer questions regarding Excel, as the instructions are presented in your assignments.
The Manitoba Government has hired the private consulting firm AZZOCA Consulting. The government wishes to study the number of crimes reported to different police stations in Winnipeg. As a top consultant at the firm, you are responsible for this project and conducting the research. Unfortunately, you are not able to collect data for all police stations in Manitoba
Part A Produce a 3-page report (max.) that highlights the sampling method you would select to conduct this study. You should discuss the sampling frame, sampling method, the reason for the selection of that method, and the sample size including the reason for selecting that sample size. This should be theoretical and not based on the data provided for the other two parts of this exam (the data presented below can be used as a pre-test). Your response should be written as if you would submit it to the government and not as part of a course/assignment (20 marks). An additional 5 marks will be given based on the presentation of your response (i.e. spelling, grammatical errors, etc.).
You conduct a random sample and the data on the number of crimes reported to three different police stations in Winnipeg per week for 9 weeks is shown in Table 1 (below). The government minister would like to present the data to a group of officials on April 30th. They would like to show the officials both graphic displays and summary statistics of the data presented in Table 1.
Part B Produce a 3-page report (max.) that describes the data that was collected and listed in Table 1. This section must contain at least one graph and the appropriate summary statistics for the data. Because you are providing the results to a variety of people, you must indicate in your report to the minister what the graph(s) and summary statistics tell you about the data. Again, your response should be written as if you would submit it to the government (20 marks). An additional 5 marks will be given based on the presentation of your response (i.e. spelling, grammatical errors, etc.).
Research Question: The Minister wants to know if the numbers of crimes reported to the police stations in the three areas of Winnipeg are the same?
Part C Produce a 6-page report (max.) that provides an answer to the research question listed above using the data in Table 1. In your answer make sure to include all relevant information and results (based on the p-value method discussed in class). You should also discuss the assumptions of the test you selected, as well as the limitations of the study in your response. Include any tables/figures that you think are relevant. Again, your response should be written as if you would submit it to the government (40 marks). An additional 10 marks will be given based on the presentation of your response (i.e. spelling, grammatical errors, etc.).
Table 1. The number of crimes reported to three police stations in Winnipeg per week for 9 weeks.
Fort Garry Station Royalwood Station St. James Station
105 93 52
108 82 58
99 74 52
97 83 103
92 78 98
87 74 94
86 60 89
91 56 88
92 43 91