Posted: February 21st, 2023
Genetics Question
I’m working on a genetics practice test / quiz and need a reference to help me understand better.
Please only accept this job if you are 100% confident about the topics.Any grade lower than 85 will result to a BAD review and REFUND.
There is 1 hour time limit. this is a hard exam.starts at 1 pm EST on April 6
More materials will be provided after starting of the job.
Probability, hypothesis testing, Chi-square; Mono- and Di-hybrid crosses,
CRISPR-Cas9, and Bioluminescence: Genetic Transformation of E. coli
o Understand probability as covered in Lab 5 such as independent versus
mutually exclusive events. Estimate the expected proportions of various
offspring from a given crosses. For example, if AABBCc is crossed with
AabbCC, what proportion of offspring are expected to be for a given genotype?
Is this the product rule or sum rule and why?
o Understand what the purpose of performing statistical analyses of genetic
crosses. Be able to analyze mono- and/or di-hybrid cross data, perform Chi
BIOZ 310 Study Sheet EXAM 2 Spring 2021
square analysis to test a hypothesis, and complete Chi-square tables to show
your work. Generate and interpret the p-value.
o Be able to apply Chi Square analysis to mono and di-hybrid genetic
crosses to determine the mode of inheritance (autosomal versus sexlinked and dominant versus recessive). Use lecture examples, practuce
problems, and prior assignments to prepare. You will have two chi square
problems to answer. These should take you ~10 minutes each to
calculate. **You must print out the Chi Square analysis blank tables
provided prior to the exam. In the exam you will use these sheets to
complete the analysis. AFTER you have completed the full analysis, you
will then enter some of the calculations or conclusions from the
table/analysis. For example, I might ask ‘enter the Expected Proportion
for Orange Eyes in Drosophila in the F2 generation’. The answer will be a
numerical answer, such as 125 or 100. You will just enter that one
number from that one cell for that one question from your analysis table.
You will be asked to answer a set of questions like this for each Chi
Square analysis that you do. At the end of the exam you will scan and
upload your answer sheets to Bb. What you answer during the exam in
Bb is what will be graded.
o Provide the expected genotypes, phenotypes, and wild type versus
mutant ratios for a non-mutant or a mutant trait that is described and
perform a Chi-square analysis to test hypotheses. Complete tables on
your own and provide numerical values or answers based on your
completed table.
For example, let’s say you complete the following table for F2 data. I might
ask you for some of the values in the table such as those highlighted, but
not all. You will enter numerical values into the answer space provided.
Phenotype Phenotype Obs Exp O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
Resistance RR 772 780 -8 64 0.08
Mod Resistance Rr 1611 1560 51 2601 1.67
No Resistance rr 737 780 -43 1849 2.37
Total 3120 3120 4.12
o Identify the mode of inheritance for a trait that is described (sex-linked,
autosomal, dominant, recessive) based on the data provided.
BIOZ 310 Study Sheet EXAM 2 Spring 2021
o You will have one genetic mapping question that will be like the example covered
in lecture, and that you worked on for the Post Lab. You can use the examples to
practice this for the exam.
o Explain how CRISPR-Cas9 works, including the components and the origin of the
biological process. Be able to convey your understanding of the experiment
including the gene(s) involved and changes in phenotype.
o Explain how the Bioluminescence: Genetic Transformation of E.coli experiment
was conducted including the components and the origin of the biological process.
Be able to convey your understanding of the experiment including the gene(s)
targeted, changes in phenotype, and how transformed cells were screened.
o Understand the Transformation experiments of Griffith, Avery et al., and Hershey
and Chase and how these experiments were applied to identify that DNA is the
genetic material in organisms. Understand how the two transformation
experiments covered in this course apply similar methodologies.
Requirements: 60 minutes | .doc file
Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.
1 hour ago