Posted: September 1st, 2023
Garrett Hardin’s 1974 article “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor” Critical Analysis
Instructions Assignment: Read Garrett Hardin’s 1974 article “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor”. Provided a brief 50 + words introduction in regards to the difference between a “lifeboat ethic” and a “space-ship ethic.” Defend space-ship ethic. Then Respond to the two study questions at the end using 400 words to answer each question and using the responses provided within the instructions for each question as a guide to develop a longer wise answer. Rewrite each provided answer appropriately according to the above instructions. Please kindly use ONLY the article provided with these instructions as a source (Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor by Garrett Hardin, Psychology Today, September 1974). Avoid using other sources to complete this assignment. Introduction: (50 to 100 words) In the article, the author described and discussed the main differences between the spaceship ethic, that supports the idea of sharing resources with the poor because all needs and shares should be equal; and the lifeboat ethic, that promotes not sharing our resources to help the poor in order to survive. Study Questions ( 400 words each question no counting the question words ) 1. Hardin sees a difference between “reality” and “pure justice.” Do you agree? I am not entirely agreed with Hardin’s point of view. Although the demand for aid is high among developing countries, the wealthiest countries can actively collaborate with the developing countries to promote sustainable healthy habits to suit their current and future needs. Habits such as the preservation of the planet, avoid overpopulation and developing skills for producing their essential resources on their own in the future. Then by completing these actions, justice can be done without causing a catastrophic ending for all. The author argues that because we have limited resources, we could potentially suffer much mainly for the following reasons: a tragedy of commons, and the failure of ineffective government around the world. According to the author, the worldwide government failed to control the excessive reproduction of the poor and the overuse of naturally available resources. Therefore, American citizens must guide their daily actions by the ethics of the lifeboat. To survive and ensure the success of future offspring. One can argue that we have enough resources to alleviate the need for the poor worldwide. The potential solution could be to reduce the level of consumption and CO2 footprint per capita in the countries where these levels are excessively high. (e.g., USA, Canada, and Europe). At the same time, educate developing countries to promote conscious reproduction and the preservation of natural resources. 2. The third-century theologian Tertullian wrote, “The scourges of pestilence, famine, wars, and earthquakes have come to be regarded a5 a blessing to overcrowded nations, since they serve to prune away the luxuriant growth of the human race.” How would Hardin and Singer respond to this remark? With whom do you agree most?