Posted: October 14th, 2022
Gaming Platforms and Shocking Speech and Picturing Justice
Gaming Platforms and Shocking Speech and Picturing Justice for Kalief Browder: Documentary Film and the Ethics of Media Advocacy
Read the following cases: Read Gaming Platforms and Shocking Speech and Read Picturing Justice for Kalief Browder: Documentary Film and the Ethics of Media Advocacy Use the Case Analysis Template.html to shape your discussion board contribution about one or both cases.
Tips for success:
Use the question prompts to start a new thread and to keep the conversation organized
Keep responses relevant to the question
GAM / IT / FILM 228 Ethics in Gaming and Cinema
Case Analysis Template
Case title:
Answer EACH question below by integrating material from the module into the responses.
Section I. Recognize an Ethical Issue
Provide a brief description of the ethical issue, the specific harms, and the stakeholders connected to the issue. Be sure to use concepts and principles from the module in your response.
Type your response here.
Section II. Get the Facts
Based on the facts provided in the case and your own independent research, identify the factual claims that are pertinent to the case analysis and the facts that are not known. Responses should have evidence of research.
Type your response here.
Section III. Identify, Evaluate, and Recommend a Course of Action
Identify and evaluate alternatives for acting, frequently referencing ethical principles covered in the module. Be sure to use specific and direct reference to module materials with proper citation (either paraphrase or direct quotes). The analysis should conclude with a recommendation for a specific course of action.
Type your response here.