Posted: May 1st, 2022
Furniture Supplier company
Furniture Supplier company
Furniture Supplier company who provides finished good to leading furniture retailers are reviewing their
management of operations and would like to investigate new ideas which can be implemented to
improve efficiency and effectiveness of their business.
Task 1
Write a report focusing on operations functions, Strategic operation management, Organisation of
operation process and planning and control in operation. This report should include,
an explanation of why operations management is important for organisations
analyse the operations functions of a selected organisation
evaluation, by using a process model, of the operations management of a selected organisation
an explanation of the ‘three Es’ (economy, efficiency and effectiveness)
an explanation of the tension between cost minimisation and quality maximisation
evaluation of the significance of the five performance objectives cost; dependability; flexibility;
quality and speed that underpin operations management
In order to achieve M1, have effective judgements and approach to explain importance of operations
management and its linkage with strategic planning
In order to achieve M3, use appropriate structure and have accurate technical language to explain
importance of operations management and its linkage with strategic planning
In order to achieve D1, have conclusions and realistic improvements to explain importance of
operations management and its linkage with strategic planning
In order to achieve D3, you will demonstrate receptiveness to new ideas and have decisions to
explain importance of operations management and its linkage with strategic planning.