Posted: February 19th, 2022
ALL WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL, CITED AND IN APA FORMAT. ASSIGNMENT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO TURN IT IN. DUE 06/01/20 @ 5PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Cite all sources used to formulate your plan. Your plan should be at least 5 double-spaced pages in length not including the Title Page. Cite all courses used to formulate your plan. Avoid directly copying other plans, and instead, rephrase the actions in your own words.
School shootings always bring enormous media attention. Some of this attention is driven by the realization that the defenseless are placed in harm’s way by bad actors. After the Virginia Tech shootings by Seung-Hui Cho, much attention turned toward active shooter preparedness. Some prior indicators may have led authorities to stop the shooting before it occurred (Tapper and Miller, 2007).
You are the superintendent of a high-poverty urban school district known for high crime. Research and author an Active Shooter District Policy using resources found on the internet and/or provided by local and county law enforcement in your area. Use an emergency plan format that generally follows a military operations order by including the following sections:
Implementation Actions
Administration and Supplies
Communication and Signals