Posted: December 11th, 2022
Fractures (compound, comminuted, transverse, greenstick, etc.)
Why do you think it is necessary for physicians to have so many different terms that describe fractures (compound, comminuted, transverse, greenstick, etc.)? What fractures are most common in impact sports (football, basketball, etc.)? In what types of people (keep in mind age, ethnicity, etc.), might you observe kyphosis or lordosis? (Your answer must be written in your own words.) List and define ten (10) medical terms pertaining to the skeletal system. Note: Medical terms are the ones that you are able to break down into prefix, word root, and suffix. Do not mistakenly select anatomical terms or body organs or systems. Do not post combining forms only (i.e. adeno = gland; pathy = disease = adenopathy = gland disease). You should write full medical terms.
Having a specific term to describe a type of fracture can help a physician accurately diagnose and treat the injury. Different types of fractures require different treatment approaches, and using specific terms to describe them allows doctors to communicate effectively with each other and ensure that the patient receives the appropriate care. Additionally, using specific terms can also help doctors keep track of medical records and understand a patient’s medical history.