Posted: May 1st, 2022
Format: Take-Home: Open book/open notes/open laptop
Name_______________________________________ Date__________________________
Psych 441, Quiz 2 Due Date: Monday, May 2nd, end of day
Format: Take-Home: Open book/open notes/open laptop
Part 1. Fill-In Section:20 Items, 5 points each.Refer to the list of terms following the 20 items on page four of this document as well as the class lecture slides for the items requiring examples. Some items are directly noted on the list; others require finding the answers or examples on the slides or in class materials.
1. List three areas or considerations that are important for coordinating roles when co-parenting.
2. The concept of ___________________looks at the self as separate and distinct within the relational context from significant others. It is often referred to as the “I” within the “We”. ___________________ refers to when an adolescent teen is prematurely pushed to separate by family circumstances by poor parental monitoring and limit setting, lack of parental involvement, and lack of concern.
3. The____________________________ is a normative stressor that can bring emotional upheaval given the expanding demands on the couple and family system, but the couple’s preparation for this mostly normative life event can serve as a buffer.
4. Reports from Child Trends data, indicate that the most common or frequently reported Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) is _______________________.
5. Three other examples of Adverse Childhood Experiences include:
6. List three examples of PACES [Protective And Compensatory Experiences] that help to mitigate against trauma or ACES [Adverse Childhood Experiences]:
7. In John Bowlby’s theory of attachment children develop a (an) ________________________ of their caregiver which describes the set of expectations and beliefs as to how their caregiver (s) will care and respond. The child’s expectations transfer to other relationships in life including teachers, friends, and adult partners/spouses.
8. Byng-Hall’s work suggested that family systems theory contributes to our understandings of _________________________.
9. According to Byng-Hall, a _______________________ refers to a family that provides a reliable and readily available network of attachment relationships, and appropriate caregivers, from which all members of the family are able to feel sufficiently secure to explore their potential.
10. Sources of couple conflict can be related to expectations and competing needs. Please list two examples for each:
Competing Needs
11. The four properties of couple or family conflict focus on: Please list.
12. A ___________________refers to a family consisting of remarried adults, stepchildren, and stepsiblings. A_______________ is a broad system that considers and is inclusive of all biological and step-relatives and extended family systems.
13. ___________¬¬¬¬¬____________refers to the role of a single parent when they accept complete authority for household and family tasks and enlist help of others when needed. This role includes acceptance of changes after partner/spouse no longer present in home.
14. ______________________ is a role assumed by a child (often an older child) to care for younger children or even the parent in a single parent system.
15. Research on parenting involves thinking in terms insider and outsider perspectives. There are
____________________to understanding parenting (parenting ideas imposed and derived from outside the social or cultural group) and ___________________ (parenting ideas derived from within the social and cultural group).
16. Communication in adult partnerships (close adult relationships) has several components. List three examples.
17. _____________________refers to when grandparents and close relatives care for their grandchildren or young relatives when parents are unavailable or unable to care for them.
18. In child welfare “reasonable efforts” refers to activities of state social services agencies that aim to provide the assistance and services needed for ______________________. The legal concept of_____________________ generally refers to the deliberation that courts undertake when deciding what type of services, actions, and orders will be needed to serve a child as well as who is the best suited to take care of a child.
19. John Gottman’s research and work referred to the negativity processes or negative communication styles in unsuccessful couples as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These include:
20. As defined by the APA, ______________is the social institution in which two (or, less frequently, more) people commit themselves to a socially sanctioned relationship in which sexual intercourse is legitimated and there is legally recognized responsibility for any offspring as well as for each other. Although there are exceptions, the partners typically live together in the same residence
Bonus/Extra Credit: When blending families, three example of conflict and three examples of cohesion include:
Part 1: Terms for the Fill-in Items – Completion, 5 points each for items 1-20.
1. Individuation/Forced Individuation
2. Secure Family Base
3. Family Attachment
4. Internal Working Model
5. Transition to parenthood
6. Emic approaches and etic approaches
7. Kinship Care
8. Family Preservation/ Best Interests of the Child
9. Sole Administrator
10. Parental Child
11. Blended family/Metafamily
12. Economic Hardship
13. Marriage
Part 1 [continued] Responses requiring you to list related sub-terms or examples
14. Co-parenting (examples of areas)
15. Adverse Childhood Experiences, examples, most common
16. Mitigating ACES, examples
17. Domestic and Couple Conflict (Conflict areas, examples)
18. Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
19. Conflict Properties (list of four)
20. Communication in relationships (examples)